Draft of MINT00070 (Mint 19/1/172-3)
To the Rt. Honble the Lord High Treasurer of England
May it please yor: Lordp.
A Question being moved about a Clause in the Gravers Patent I humbly beg leave to lay the matter before your Lordship. All persons haveing a liberty to make Medals unless restrained by the Government, the Gravers of the Mint have by a clause in their Patent been allowed and all others prohibited to make Medals with the Effigies of the King or Queen. And this Office or Place of Medal-maker to the Crown has been sometimes E|e|ncouraged by a Large Salary out of the Civil List & sometimes G|g|ranted to strangers and is no part of the C|c|onstitution of the Mint For by the standing constitution of the Mint the Moneyers C|c|oyne W|w|hatever the Government has occasion for\wants/ whether Money Medals or h|H|ealing pieces, the M|m|etal weight allay & form of the money and M|m|edals being first appointed by the King or Queen by the advice of the Council, and the Graver only makes the stamps. This I take to be the proper way of C|c|oyning such Medals as the Government approves of & I am humbly of O|o|pinion that no other Medals should be C|c|oyned by the Mint.
The Gravers privilege of makeing other Medals for their private advantage is an encouragement to them to improve themselves and to be C|c|ontent with less S|s|alaries. If it be C|c|ontinued they may be obliged to set their N|n|ames or ye first L|l|etters thereof on their own Medals to distinguish them from Medals made by the Mint \or be otherwise limited as yor Lordp shall think fit/ if abrogated they may want S|s|ome other encouragement \to improve themselves & may expect to be paid for the{ir} Dyes & Puncheons they make for Medals./ Whether it shall be C|c|ontinued \& in what manner/ or |be| abrogated is most humbly S|s|ubmitted to your Lordships G|g|reat W|w|isdom