
The place of assay Master of his Majestys Mint becomeing vacant in Ianry 1712{sic} Catesby Oadham (who was bred a Refiner and had gain'd good experience in Assaying) being a candidate for the same, did by the direction of Mr Taylor of the Treary aply to Sr Isaac Newton to be try'd against any other candidate to whom Sr Isaac answer'd we have reported Mr Bratle to be the fittest person without makeing any tryal tho Oadham is inform'd that about that time Sr Isaac did confess to Mr Kemp who was then a competitor for the place that Mr Bratle cou'd not doe the business of an Assay Mr. without an Assistant

On the 8°. of April 1713 Mr Oadham was try'd against Mr Bratle before ye officers of ye mint who had before declared Bratle to be the fittest person, and afterwards made the same report tho they did allow Mr. Oadham to be a good Assay Mr. but Oadham setting forth the hardships and impositions of that tryal was by the direction of ye late Ld. trear Oxford tryd in the whole mistery of assaying under the inspection of the Earl of Yarmouth who amply certifyd his Quallifycations as apears by his anexed certific{illeg}|a|te to a petition which Mr Oadham presented to his Majesty who was graciously pleas'd to Order the Lds. of the Treary to Enquire into the Merits of ye pretenders, and to doe Iustice accordingly by Mr Bratle, or Sr Isaac Newton hearing of this Vtterance and being unwilling to stand the tryal obtain'd a Warrant for Mr Bratles having the patent before the petition, certificates, and utterence could be read in the treary

Mr Oadham hereupon Aplys to the Privy councol from whence his peticon went, and is promisd that the Ld president will call for the said peticon the first general council day when the Ld Hallifax will be present and that matter determind in council he therefore insists that no grant for such patent passes the privy seal til this Examination is over it being of the greatest concern to the credit of ye Nation that this Employment be in ye. hands of a thoroug {sic} quallifyd person and altho the Employment is in the fit of ye Lds of the treary he is perswaded their Lps will desire the tryal especially since Sr Isaac Newton who recom̄ends Bratle is excluded from such a recom̄endation by an Act of Parliament 2°. H. 6

besides Mr Oadham can bring unquestionable witnesses to prove Mr. Bratle's incapacity, and unfairness in Assaying

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