'The state of the Mint in relation to the Queens Assay Master'
The state of the Mint in relation to the Queens AssayMaster.
It has been \ever since I remember/ a received Maxim among the Officers of the Mint that the Mint never stands still. If the Master dies, the rest of the Officers go on to coin \& deliver/ what he has received, & a new Master is appointed\impowered/ wth convenient speed to go on wth the receive new bullion. If the Warden or Comptroller dies the M rest go on & the place is supplied wth convenient speed. |For those Officers are checks upon the Master.|
The Warden & Comptroller are \a/ che{qs}|e| upon the Master in behalf of the Queen & her people & the Master has covenanted wth her Maty that they shall assist him in seeing that the coynage be well performed. And if either of them dies the Master {illeg} {to} rest \of the Officers/ go on wth the coynage & a new Officer is {performi} appointed wth convenient speed. And if the Master dies the rest go on to coin & deliver what he has received {illeg} & a new Master is appointed wth convenient speed & empoured by a signe mannual to go on wth the receive new bullion untill an indenture can be prepared. For it has been a Maxim in ye Mint ever since I remember, that the Mint never stands still.
The Queens Assaymaster is no che upon the Officers of the Mint but they are a che upon him. For he has no Trial piece of his own but performs his assays by the Wardens trial piece i nthe presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller who are to see that his Assays be done wth skill & fidelity|.| For he is only a manual Operator & ought to be The Warden & Comptroller are present in behalf of the Queen & her people & the Master \in/ his own behalf & the Assaymaster is only a manual Operator & \by Act of Parliamt/ ought to be an indifferent person between both parties, & to attend weekly for determining all controversies wch may arise between the Merchants & the Master about the valuation of the Bullion imported. He is also to assay\try/ ye new mony before delivery in the presence of the said officers. |And this is all the duty imposed on him by the Queen. Crown.|
The Master receives the \Merchants/ bullion by his own Assays made by his own Trial piece & is allowed 60l per an for an Assayer. But {illeg} it is long since grown into custome for the Master to trust the Queens Assaymaster. And this seems to have been done partly by b {illeg}|b|ecause 7-li is too little to maintain a man responsible creditable Assayer, & partly for avoiding dispute wth the Merchant who may reccon the Assays of the Queens Assayer more satisfactory.
Since the last trial of the {illeg} Pix there has not been any dispute between the Merchant & the Master. They all acquiesce in his Assays, & are allowed & desired to see {th} the Assays as often as they please. But if any Merchant should complain & demand a \{legal}/ trial by the Queens sworn Assaymaster, the {illeg} receipt of Bullion must for feat of undue preference must stop till the assay be performed.
The So then it was \very/ proper for the Ld H. Treasurer {illeg} to refer to the Officers of her Mats Mint the examination of the &\or/ trial of the candidates for the Assaymasters place, & they being Ius\legal/ judges of the truth & fidelity of all his assays & the approbation of both parties being between whom he is to be an indifferent person, being included in their Report.
In Mr Oadhams & the trial between Mr Oadham & Mr Brattell Their|y| silve made each of them eight assays of ye same piece of Gold & eight of the same piece of silver, two in every four successive fires, two \of each/ in every fire & their silver assays were nearely equal. Mr Oadham's agreed something better with{illeg} one another & Mr Brattles one with another came something nearer to the true standard of the piece of silver. But {illeg} in the Gold assays there was no comparison seven of Mr Brattels Gold assays agreed exactly with one another & the eighth differed from the other seven but about a quarter of a quarter\twelft part of {sic}/ of a grain wch is a difference scarce sensible unless to a curious observer. But two of Mr Oadhams assays differed a quarter of a grain from others & one of them was \differed two grains being/ two grains better better {sic} \wch error is three time the remedy/ & this error being in fineness could scarce happen otherwise then by ye want of skill. {seing}
When Mr Brattel & Mr Oadham had a comparative Trial.
Report of the Officers.
The Warden & Comptroller are cheques upon the Master \& in behalf of the Queen & her people/ & all three are cheques upon the Queens Assaymaster|.| {illeg} And this Assaymaster is only a manual operator who perfor is to perform all his Assays in the presence of the the said three Officers. And The to their sa wth skill & fidelity, they being judges thereof, the Warden & Comptroller in behalf of the Queen & her people the Merchants & the Master in his own behalf And therefore it was very right in the Ld H. Treasurer to refer the Petitioners for ye Assaymrs place to a trial before the said Officers & their report includes the sense of is the joynt report of both parties between whom the Assaymaster is to act as an indifferent person. For by the statute of Hen VI c he ought to be an indifferent person betwen the Mr & the Merchants & to attend weekly for dedicing all controversies between them about the valuation of their bullion. But no such controversies have {illeg} arisen since the death of the late Assaymaster, the Merchants being satisfied wth the Masters Assays, & being allowed & invited to see them \himself/ whenever he pleases. By wch means his credit of the Mint at present is very good. |And|\The/And as for Mr Oadham, had he {reccons} for preserving the same & thereby encouraging the coinage {illeg} in coinage & avoying {sic} the controversies the trouble of controversies with Importers its the interest as well as the duty of the Officers of the Mint to give their opinion \faithfully/ in favour of the best best {illeg} Assayers. |[|For towards the end of that of that {sic} Analysis \p. 19/ he puts some {illeg}letters as x & z for fluents & others as y\or v/ for fluxions & others of\ay, or/ the rectangles of these & ther letter o, v i vizt 07, or for their moments & where the fluxion is uniform he represents it by an unit & the moment by this unit multipled by o|.| that is by {illeg} And a little before where is the Ordinate of a Curve he puts for the area generated by that Ordinate & the like notation if x is the area of any curve as will be its Ordi whose Ordinate is y & if y be put for any fluent, it fluxion will be represented by y & its moment by oy.
And thus much concerning Mr Newtons method of fluxions & series appears from the papers written by him before Mr Leibnits began to speak of his differential method & published in the Commercium.|]|