
|It is to be performed by {illeg} a sworn Assyer {sic} or Iury of Assayrs {sic}| before her Maty or such of th|H|e|r| Councel as he Maty or Council shall appo{a}|i|nt, & in the presence of the Warde{n} Master & Compt{r} of |t|her Mint.

It is to be performed {illeg} in the presence of the Warden Master & Comptr of the Mint by a sworn Assayer or Iury of Assayers |&| befor her Maty or such of Her Council as her Maty or Council shall appoint.

The Pix is to be opened before her Maty or such of Her Council as her Maty or Council shall appoint & the moneys \therein/ are to be tried by A sworn A jury of\sworn/ Assayers in the presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller

The moneys are tried before delivery by the Queens Assaymr in

The great consequence of coining the money exactly \of a just value/ the same being the measure of commerce & trade|.| & {illeg} of {one or change}

The great care that has be taken of \by this solemn trial/ |to| havi|e|ng it coined exactly, by this solemn trial.\of a just {value} & the great penalty upon coining it arises./

The exactness\just value/ depends upon the weight tale & fineness {illeg}|t|he \just/ quantity of fine gold & fine silver in the single pieces. And this quantity is measurd by the weight & {illeg}|f|ineness thereof.|,| there being eleven ounces of fine gold \{or an ounce of} |& an ounce of {illeg}|/ in |[|4412 Guineas {wch} ought to mak wth the allay should make a poundweight Troy & {illeg}|1|1 ounces 2dwt of fine silver |& 18dwt of {allay}| in 62 shillings|.||]|a pound weight of standard Gold & 11oz 2dwt of fine silver in a pound weight of standard silver & the po The

For preserving the division of Egypt into equall portions this king w{illeg}|r|ote a book of the Elements of surveying wch gave a beginning to Geometry. And after the example of the two Pyramids wch he built

{illeg} FK, VK

adeo Kk × ThK\F/K seu area FKkf, uT
PK × FK / et erit FK æqualis TK et
Kk erit ad PK ut Pp ad Fp

A necessitate Metaphysica nulla oritur rerum variatio. Tola illa quau in \{illeg} natura/ {illeg} \{illeg}mundo/ conspicimus, pro Enconem ac temporea diver sitate, Natura varietas diversias rerium {illeg}|a| sola Entis necessario existeridis voluntate |libera| oriri poluit.


The moneys are twice tried \before the Officers of the Mint/, once before delivery {illeg}

My Ld


I humbly put yor Lordp in mind of {procuring} her Majts disposal of ye Assaymasters place. By an {illeg} Act of P. made in ye 2d year of Hen. VI, the Assaymr is to be an indifferent person & to attend at the {illeg} between the Mr of the Mint & the Merchant & to attend weekly at the Mint for determining Questions wch may arise between them about the valuation of the merchants bullio{illeg}|n|. Mr Brattle is approvd by both parties concerned |[|between whom the Assaymr is to be an arbitrator,|]| & hath now acted some months between them without any complaint on either side \& forborn to recommend himself by any other interest/. The other competitors have endeavoured \by other interests/ to make themselves arbitators {sic} between the two parties \concerned/ without the consent of either party. The encouragement of ye coinag{illeg}|e| & {quicker} & credit of ye Mint depends very much upon the qui satisfactory & quiet execution of this Office & there

The moneys are twice tried, first by the Queens Assay{illeg}|m|{r}|r|, then by a Iury of Assayers, both times in the presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller, the last time before the Queen & Council, & both trials are setled by the Indentur{e} made between the Crown & ye Master of the Mint

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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