As the clerks' salaries have not changed in the last sixty years, recommends a 25% increase
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commrs of his Maties Treasury.
May it please your Lordps
The Porter of the Mint being lately dead, I ordered one Robert Lowe to do the b{illeg}|u|siness till a new Porter should be appointed The Place was formerly a Patent place, but the house belonging to it is taken from him\away/ & the salary is only 20li per ann. Which being too little for \bearing the charges of a {sic}/ a Paten{illeg}|t| I humbly pray that he \a Porter/ may be appointer {wth} by a Constitution. Robert Lowe {illeg}|h|ath hitherto behaved himself wth great diligence, & I humbly pray that he may be appointed if yor Lops think fit.
All wch &c
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commrs of his Mats Treary.
May it pl. your Lordps.
The salaries of the Clerks of the Mint wch were setled about 60 years ago, being now not sufficient for their maintenance I humbly pray that they may be augmented by a Signe manua by about a\{illeg}/ {illeg} quarter so that the salaries of the Wardens Clerk, the Master \of/ my three Clerks & \of/ the Comptrollers Clerk wch are 40li each \per ann/ may become 50li each, And that those of the Assaymasters Clerk & of the Purveyer to {illeg} the Mint wch are 20li. each \per ann/ may become 25li {per}\each./ And those of the \Clerks of the / weigher & Teller & of the \Clerk of the/ surveyor of the melting wch are 10li each per an may become 12li 10s each. All wch is most humbly submitted.
May it pl. your Lops
The\Mr In Croker/ Graver |t|of the Mint Mr I. Croker havine lately taken one Beresford to be his Apprentice, & the time of his Apprentiship being \lately/ expired {illeg}{illeg}|&| the said Beresford work now working under Mr Croker \as journey-man: {sic}/: I humbly pray that Mr Croker may be allowed 30li per an for the maintenance of the said Beresford as in a former case of the like nature.
<220v>Mary Andrews lived with me \betw/ two or three years\seved {sic} me as \a/ Cook about {o}|t|wo years & did my business to my satisfaction, & (so far as I know {sic}/ & (so far as I know) behaved her self honestly & did my business to my satisfaction, but upon a falling but between her & & {sic} another servant I parted with her.
Is. Newton