
Charles the second by the Grace of Gold King of England Scotland, France and Ireland Defender of the faith +ta. To ye Commissioners of our Treasury now being and to the Trearer and Vnder-Treasurer of our Exchequer or Comrs of our Treasury for the time being. Greeting. Whereas wee were pleased in our Privie Councill the Nineteenth day of October last for the Benefitt of the Trade of this Kindgom, and our of favour and Grace to our People to order that Allowances shall be made for defraying the Charges of our Mint out of our own Revenue in the same manner and as fully as it was ꝑvided for before the expiration of the late Arts of Parliament yt. provided for that charge. Wee have thought fitt for the execution of our Royall intentions in the aforesaid order to yssue these our Letters of privy seale hereby authorizing and impowering you out of \my/ our Treasury from time to time being and remaineing in the Receipt of our Exchequer not appropriated to particular uses by act of Parliamt: to yssue and pay ot cause to be yssued and paid unto our Trusty and welbeloved Sr Iohn Buckworth Knt: Charles Duncomb and Iames Hoare Esqrs. the present Comrs. fo{illeg}|r| executing the office of Master and Worker of our Monies with in the Mint or to our Comrs for executing that office for the time being or to their Assignes such sume and\or/ sumes of money from time to time as you shall finde necessary for the service of our Mint to defray the Charges thereof in the same manner and as fully as it was provided for by the said Acts of Parliament before the Expiration thereof. The said sume and sumes of money to be yssued to them by my Imprest and upon accompt for the said service, And these our Letters <312v> shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalfe, Given under our Privie seale at our Pallace at Westminster two sixteenth day of November in the three and thirtieth year of our Reign

C: Bickerstalle

Order of K. C. 2 to issue mony out of the Treasury to carry on the coinage when the act for the coinage duty was expired.

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