Further holograph draft reminder of MINT00119 (Mint 19/3/336, 338), adding that 'I am now to make up my Accompts for the year ending this Christmas'
To the Rt Honble Sidney Ld Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of England.
May it please yor Lordp
There is due to me from the Civil List 2485li. 18s. 3d for {illeg}|M|edals for her Majties Coronation \the summ of 2485. 18. 3, & for the payment of this debt I conceive the civil List to be the proper fund. {sic}/. I am now to make up my Accompts for the year ending this Ch{illeg}|ris|tmas & that I may be able to ballance this part of the my Accompts I humbly pray yor Lordp that the money above mentioned may be imprest to me upon Accompt before the year expire.
All wch is most humbly submitted &c.
Is. Newton
<334br>September 24th 1713
Received of Sr Isaac Newton Master & Worker of her Maties Mint two hundred & fifty Medals of fine gold weighing one hundred eighty & four ounces five penny weight & nineteen grains, vizt 16 Iuly last 150 medals by my own hands weighing 110oz. 9dwt. 18gr 24th Septemb. last, 50 medals by the hands of Mr Taylor weighing 36oz 12dwt & 50 medals by the hands of the most Honble the Earl of Oxford & Earl Mortimer Ld High Treasurer of great Britain weighing 37oz. {illeg}|4|dwt. 1gr. I say received the said \in all/ 250 Medals by me weiging {sic} 184oz– 5dwt.– 19gr.
oz | dwt | gr | |||
150 | Medals. Wt | 110. | 9. | 18 | ![]() |
50 | 37. | 4. | 1 | ![]() |
50 | 36. | 12. | 0 | ![]() |
184. | 5. | 19 |