Delivered to my Ld Masham 230 Medals of fine gold, weighing            vizt 170 for the Peers, 30 (by the hands of my Ld Treasurer) for the Ladies at Court 22 for the forreign Ministers, & eight for the Secretaries of Embassys or others to be distributed by order of my Ld Treasurer of Ld Chamberlain
Delivered to the Speaker of the House of Commons for the Members & their two Clerks Sergeant & Chaplain 562 Medals \of fine gold/ weighing 407oz. 5dwt 21gr
Total weight of the Gold 577oz          wch at 4li. 5|9|s. 0d per ounce amounts unto the summ of } 2576li.
For the workmanship & wast in making 792 Medals at 3s per medall } 118.16.00
Total value 2694.
An Account of |ye| Medals of fine gold \upon the peace 171{illeg}|3|/ delivered to My Lord Masham & the S{illeg}p|pe|aker of the House of Commons upon the Peace 1713
|— Iul. 16| Delivered \Iuly 16/ to my Ld Masham \for the Peers/ 2|1|50 Medals of fine gold weighing } 110oz.9dwt.18gr
|— Aug. 14| Delivered more to him Aug 14 by the hands of My Lord Treasurer for the Ladies at Court 30 Medals of fine gold weighing } 22.10.18
|— Sep.| Delivered more to him 20 Medals for the Pe{illeg}|e|rs 22 Medals for forreign me|i|nisters, & {illeg}|e|ight more for secretaries of Embassies or others. In all 3|5|0 Medals of fine gold weighing } 36.1{illeg}|2|.0
|— Iul. 16.| Delivered \Iuly 16th/ to the Speaker of the House of Commons for the Members 250 Medals of fine gold weighing } 178.14.21
|— Iul.| Delivered more to the Speaker of the House of Commons \for the Members Iul./ 200 medals of fine gold weighing } 146.4.18
|— Aug. 8th.| Delivered more {fo} to him for the Members \Aug 8th/ 108 medals of fine gold weighing } 79.6.12
|— Sept 2| Delivered more to him for the two Clerks, the Serjeant & the Chaplain of ye House four Medals of fine gold weighing } 2.19.18
|In all delivered 792 Medalls of fine gold| Total weight|i||ng| 577|6|.18.9
The total weight of \all/ the gold at 4li 9s per ounce amounts unto } 2576|67|li.5.9d
The wast & workmanship of making 792 Medals at 3s per Medal comes to } 118.16.0
Total charge 2694|86|.1.9

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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