
Coppy of the Papers delivered \to/ Mr. Auditor Foley relating to the Accompts of the Mint with respect to the £3500. per Annum allowed by Parliament.

State of the Mint Accts. for the year ending at Xmas. 1712
Sallarys payable by the Master and Worker £ 1595.–.
Sallarys payable by the Warden 1435.–.–.
Imprested to the Warden for repaires of houses
offices and Buildings &c
} 400.15.6
Imprested more to him for Incidents payable by him 168.13.6.
Mr. Auditor Harley complaining that these par
ticulars made an excess of £99. 9. –. which was
occasioned by the Article of Incidents payable by the
Warden (which {wee}\was/ never reckoned before to make part
of the Allowance by Parliament, as my be seen by
the Accounts that have been made up and declared for
thirty years before) to make the thing easy we took
back of a bill of the Bricklayer's out of the Wardens
acct. amounting to
} 130.–.–.
which reduced the Accounts to 3469.9.–.
Being £30. 11s. less then he would have allowed in the said Accts. had we found vouchers to maje it just so.

if you be pleased to peruse and cast us the particulars of the two declared Accts. you have now by you, you will find that they are made up so as it is here expressed.

State of the Mint Accts. for the year ending at Xmass. 1713
Sallarys payable by the Master and Worker £ 1579.19.11
Sallarys payable by the Warden 1435.–.–.
Imprested to the Warden for repaires of houses
offices and Buildings &c
} 240.2.6.
Imprested more to him for Incidents. £ 2|1|40.18.3. } 232.17.6.
and by Warrt. of the Right Honorable the
Ld. high Treasurer for the Pix diner
} 91.19.3.

By the Act of 18 Car. 2. and a subsequent Act of the 4th. of Q. Anne, Entituled An Act for encouragemt. of Coynage, the sallarys of the Officers of the Mint, and the charges towards providing, maintaining, & repairing of the houses, Offices, and buildings, and other necessaries for assaying, melting down and coyning are limited to 3500li. to prevent extravagancys

and the overplus of the money arising f{r} by those Acts {are} \is/ appropriated for and towards the expence, wast and charge opf Assaying, melting down and Coynage &c.

The necessarys in the {illeg}\first part of the/ clause are called the charge & expence of the Mint; and the Overplus is called the charge or expence of Assaying, melting down & Coyning.

By the first are understood such necessaries for coyning as may be limited without discouraging the coynage; or such necessaries as are requisite to keep up a standing Mint wither there is any coynage or no; is being to be supposed that the Mint is always ready fitted up, when any coynage {ofters}.

By the 2d. part of the Clause are understood the necessaries that cannot be limitted without danger of discouraging the coynage, that is to say such as are occasioned by a coynage and increase or decrease therewith.

The Act of Parliamt. reckons the houses, offices & buildings amongst the necessaries, and the Indenture of the Mint made upon that foot, settling the sallaries of each respective officer leaves only £400. for the buildings, diet, and other necessary provisions whereby the master may be enabled to carry on the Coynage.

By the Indenture of the Mint,| (| is a contract between the Crown and the Master & Worker) some Officers of the Mint act in behalf of the Crown as checks upon the Master, to see that he performes his contract duly and endeavours that the money be well coyned, and others act under him for performing that contract.


By this Indenture the Warden pays the sallaries of the former as also the charges of the dyet, and other necessarys employed in and about the repairing the houses offices & buildings that are requisite to carry on that service.

These are the necessarys within the 3500li. per annum. Out of the overplus the Master\are/ defrays|e||d| the charges of coyning the Gold and silver monys, I mean the allowances made by Indenture of 6s 6d per Lib. for Gold, and 17s. 12 per Lib. for silver monies

as also the wooden work of the Mills, presses & cutters and the nealing and blanching furnaces and the furnaces in the Melting houses which are always repaired by the direction of the master and the charges thereof placed to his acct. according to the course of the Mint: as are also the charges of Assaying (viz charcoale aqua fortis, water silver, lead, cuppells, furnaces &c) and those of reducing the Gold and Silver to standard by refining and allay. those by of Assaying by virtue of the Clause in the Coynage acts and those of refining by a Clause in the Indenture.

These charges are placed in the master's account according to the course of the Mint, while the charges of repairing the buildings are placed in the Wardens acct.; and the reason{s} of this distinction seems to be that the master may be enabled to dispatch the coynage & make delivery with all convenient speed {illeg}|a|ccording to is covenants without staying for the consent or order of the other Officers or being restricted by the want of money, while the sallaries of the officers and the charges of providing & repairing the buildings and other necessaries in the Warden's {acct.} are limited to £3000 for preventing extravagance.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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