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This if for the Goldsmiths
Hall delyvered in Hillar
Terme 1605. to try these in
counter piece
{ This Hundred comixed of 23. carats 3. gr: 12. of fine gold & 12gr. of Allaye in the pound wt. Troy of England made the 20th. Aug: 1605. ex.amd. this piece was delyvered to the Wardens of the Goldsmiths London by the appointmt. of the Lord Chancellor Ld. Trearer & Ld. Zouche the last of Iune 1607. for wch. there is their Acquittance put into the bag of standards
Memorandum there was delyvered into the Kings Matys Treary to be kept there Notes undermenconed together with the sd. standerds
Imprimis a Veredict of twelve Goldsmiths under their hands mentioning their deliverye & tryall of the abovesaid tryall peeces day 16 Iuly. 1605.
Item & Note under Sr. Richard Martyns hand mentioning he hath recd. an Indented piece of Fine Gold of 23. of Karretts 3. grains 12 accordinge to his Matys Indenture dated 26. Aug: 1605.
Itm a like note under Sr. Richd. Knyvetts hand of like date acknowledging the receipt of ye lyle peece or standard at the Lord Chancellors hands
|Memdm One Trial piece was then made for the Treasury of Scotland & one for the General of the Mint of Scotland.|
Fryday 9 Nov: 1660. Reced. int othe Treary of the Rt. Honble. Tho: Earl of Southton Lord high Treasurer of England by the hands of Sr. Phillip Warwick Kt. his Lordships Secretarie these nine standards next following


Three standards of Gold wth. this Inscription
This standard comixed of 23. Karrets 3. grains & a half of fine gold & half a grain of allaye in the pound wt. Troy of England. 19. Oct. 1660.
Three others of gold with this Inscription
This standard comixed of 22 Karrets of fine gold & two Karrets of allaye in the Pound wt. Tory of England made 19. Oct. 1660.
Three standards of Silver with this Inscription
This standard comixed of 11oz. 2dwt. of fine silver & 18dwt. of allaye in the pound wt. Troy of England made 19. Oct. 1660

The Deverdict of the Iury of Goldsmiths London upon making of three standard Tryall peices {sic} of gold & silver

Wee whose names are here underwritten being by Virtue of a Warrt. of ye Rt. Honble. this late Lords Commissioners of his Matys Treary dated 18. Augt: last sworne before their Lordships to make three sevreall standard Tryall peices {sic} of Gold & Silver according to the Indenture made between the Kings most Excellent Majesty of the one part & Sr. <279v> Raphe Freeman Kt. of \the/ other part bearing date 20th. Iuly last. Have according to our best skill & Iudgement made three standard tryall peeces vizt. one of gold co mix t in ꝑ portion of 23. Carets three grains & one half grain of fine gold & half a grain of allaye in the Pound Wt. Troy of England weighing 15oz. 10dwt. weight divided into six indented peeces one other of gold comixed \in ꝑ portion/ of 22. Carets of fine gold & two Carets of Allaye in the Pound Weight Troy of England weighing 19oz. 7dwt. & also divided into six indented peices {sic} & also one other of silver comixed in proportion of 11oz. 2dwt. of fine silver & 1 {illeg} |8|dwt of Allaye in the Pound weight Troy of England weighing 66oz. 17dwt. & a half divided in like sort into six indented peices {sic} for the Tryall of the Kings Maties Moneys of Gold & Silver Which said three sevl. standard peices {sic} so divided indented & printed Wee present unto the Right Honble. the Lord Treasurer of England to be dispensd of according to his Maties directions in the aforesaid recited Indenture mentioned In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our Names this 19. Oct. in the 12th. Year of {illeg} |the| Raign of our Soveraign Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King defender of the Faith &c. 1660.
Edward BackwellFra: MeynillIno. Portman
Willm SankeyThomas SmythesWilliam Knight
Iohn GellibrandFran: Hull
Robert CordellGeorge SuellIames Noel
Geo: Day
Mathew Mason

B. Bartlett
Alex: Iackson

We the Warden & Master worker of the Mint do acknowledge to have reced. of the Lord high Trearer of England three peeces each of us of the standard within menconed for the Vse of our severall Offices wch. we charge our Selves with hereby that the Receipt may be entred together with the Veredict in his Matys Treary

Anto: St Leger

Ric: Freeman

Wee the Wardens of the Company of Goldsmiths London doe acknowledge to have reced. of the Rt. Honble. the Lord high Trearer of England three of Gold & silver of the severall standards within menconed for the use of the Company of Goldsmiths they being for Tryall peices {sic} to work the Plate of the Kingdom by Wch. we Charge our selves with hereby that this Rece\i/pt. may be entred together with the Veredict in his Maties Treasury Witness our hands this 26. of Oct. 1660.

Edward Backwell

Willm Sankey

Robert Cordell

Reced. of the Right Honble. Tho: Earl of Southton Lord high Treasurer of England from the hands of Sr Phillip Warwick Kt. his Lordshps secretary six standard peices {sic} of Gold & three of Silver of the severall standards within menconed By us Sr. Robt. Pye Kt. & Edward Fanconberge Gent. Officers under the Lord Treasurer & Chambr.lains in his Maties Treasury of Receipt of Exchequer Witness our hands this 9. of Nov: in the 12th Year of the Raigne of our Severaigne Lord King Charles the second 1660

Robert Pye

Edward Fauconberge


Entry of severall Papers remaining in the Lether bag wherein are the standards of Gold & Silver

According to the Oath taken by us before your honours & by Virtue of Your honble Warrant to us directed dated 11th. of this pr.sent month of Feb. 1600. for the making of one Indented Tryall peice {sic} to holde & be in finesse out of the fire two ounces & 18dwt. of fine silver at the pound wt. Troy & the same so made to indent & divide into three equall parts We have with our best endeavours made & performed the Tryall peice {sic} & the same so finished wth. humble Duty do present into your honours

By me Francis Shute

Edward Greene

Andr Palmer

Francis Williams

Humfrey Westwood

William: Dymmock

Wee whose names are here under writt have according to our best skill & Iudgemt. made one standard peice {sic} of Gold comixed in proportion of 23. Karrets three grains & a half of fine gold & half a graine of allaye in the Pound wt. Troy of England weighing 22oz. 5dwt.. 12gr:. wch. we have printed indented & divided int{o} six severall peeces according to his Matys pleasure declared in the present Indentures made between his Majesty & the Master Workers of his Matys Monies bearing date 16. Iuly. 1605. which six severall peices {sic} we do present unto your Lordships

Bevel Molesworth

Iohn Blackemore

Wm. Bertlok

Cayus Newman


Richard Gosson

Francis Shute

Henry Bannester

Edward Greene

Io: Williams

ꝑnce Io: Harris

Iohn Mothe

William Dimmock

Inclosed The presentment of the Iury 23. Augt. 1605. for the standard peice {sic} of gold comixed of 23. Carrets 3. grains 12. of fine gold & 12 grain of allaye poiz 22oz. 5wt. 12. grains

I Sr. Tho: Nkyvett Kt. Warden of the Mint have receyved of the right Honble Lord Ellesmere Lord Chancellor of England one Indented peice {sic} comixed of 23. Karretts three grains & a half {&}|of| fine gold & half a grayne of Allaye in the pound Weight Troy of England made the 20th of Augt. 1605. & delivered to me the 26th. of the same Month of August. 1605.

Tho: Knybett

Indorsed for the Warden of the Mint of England

Vltio die Iunÿ Anno R.Rt. Iacobi &c. Quinto

Received by us the Wardens of the {Misteue} of\or/ Company of Goldsmiths of the City of London whose names are subscribed of Sr. Vincent Skinner Kt. & Athur Agard Gent Officers under the Lord Treasurer & Chamberlains in his Matys Treary of the Receipt of Exchequer by the appointment of the Right Honble. the Lord Chancellor of England the Lord high Treasurer of England & the Lo: Zouche

Lord of his Majesty privy Counsell A Standard peece of gold indented equall wth. the Kings Majesties standard or Tryall peice {sic} appoynted to be kept & used in the Goldmsiths Hall upon wch. peece are engraven these Words following
The peice {sic} wayeth three
Ounces 8dwt. 12l.
Arthure Agard
} This standard comixed of 23 Karrets 3. grains & a halfe of fine gold & half a graine of allay in the Pound weight Troy of England made the 20th. Day of Ag|u|gust 1605. In Witness whereof we have subscribed our Names the day & Year abovewritten 1607.

George Speringe

George Smythes

Francis Shute

Indorsed ultio Iunÿ. 1607.
The Wardens of the Goldsmithes Hall London acquitt for the Receipt of the Tryall pice {sic} of Angell gold made the 20th. August. 1605.

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