Covering letter for MINT00159 (Mint 19/1/228-9)
May it please yor Lordp
I herewith send yor Lordp a Paper by which of the steps by wch the Triall of the Pix proceeds, together with an Extract of so much of the Indenture of the Mint as relates to this Triall. And in anything in wch I can serve yoR Lordp I should be glad \to receive/ yoR Lordp|s| would please to commands, being
My Lord
Yor Lordps most humble
& most obedient servant
Is. Newton
<236v>1lwt of ☉ money = 44 Guineas \=47.16.9/ = 11 oz fine ☉
1lwt of ☾ money = 3li 2s = 11 oz 2dwt fine ☾ = 11.1oz fine ☾
If a|A| \pound/ weight \Troy/ of standard Gold is cut into 44 Guineas wch at 21s 6d the Guineas amount unto 47li 16s 9d. This is the value of 11 ounces, of fine Gold. Therefore a pound weight of fine gold is worth 52li. 3s. 8
A pound weight Troy of standard silver is cut into 62 shillings. This is the value of 11oz 2dwt of fine silver. Therefa|o|re a pound wt of fine silver is worth 3.7.0
And 15Lwt of fine silver is worth 50.5.4. And a pound weight of \fine/ ☉ is worth more then 15lwt of fine silver by 1li.18s.4d.-
A pound weight (Troy) of standard silver is cut into 62 shillings. This is value of 11oz 2dwt of fine silver. Therefore the value of 11oz of fine ☾ is worth. 3. 1. 5.
And 15 × 11 oz is worth 46.1.7. And \11oz ☉ =/ 44 Guineas is worth more by 1.15.1