Three holograph drafts of MINT00165 (Mint 19/1/307-8)
A Memorial concerning the Trial of the Monies in ye Pix by a Iury before ye King or Lords of ye Council and Officers of the Mint.
There are in the business of the Mint three trialls of Gold & silver directed by ye Indenture of the Mint to be made each of them in presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller by sworn Artificers & being made in their presence they are all conclusive & binding against the Master otherwise not
The first of these trialls is of Bullion upon any disagreement between the Master & Importer about the price. In such cases the Kings Assaymaster tries the Bullion in the presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller & ye Master is then bound to receive it according to such assay altho his own Assaymaster should tell him it is to his loss.
The other two trialls are of two pieces taken out of every Iourney of new coyned monies, the one triall of one {illeg}|p|iece before deliverance of the monies, the other triall of the other piece reserved in a Pix till the time of the triall.
These two trialls are in all respects alike excepting that the one is made in the Mint by ye Kings Assaymaster & We{illeg}|i|gher & Teller sworn at their admission to their Office the other out of the Mint by a number of Assaymasters Weighers & Tellers chosen out of the company of Goldsmiths & sworn before the Lords of the Councill upon every new occasion. For wch reason the triall is removed from the Mint to the place where the Council sits. Both these trialls (as well that wthout as that within the Mint) are to be made before the Warden Master & Comptroller & if the monies prove uncovenable the Master is punished in them both, in the first by recoining them at his own charge in the latter by making satisfaction to ye King. So that the Officers of the Mint have the same station in both trialls tho the last Triall be {illeg} much more solemn then the other.
The last Triall is {illeg}|made| not at the suit of the King in any of his usual Courts of Iustice but by vertue of & according {illeg}|to| a contract between the King & the Master set down in the \said/ Indenture \wch is/ made between them usually called the Indenture of the Mint & therefore like all the rest of that Indenture is to be looked upon as a part of the business of the Mint. In this contract the Master consents on his part yt the Pix shall be opened & assays be made before his Majty or such of his Council as his Majty shall appoint & his Majty consents on his part that the Assays shall be made in presence of the {illeg}|M|aster & both parties agree that the Assays shall be made in presence of the Warden & Comptroller, the King entrusting them against the Master as well with the inspection of the triall by reason of their skill as with the custody \& keys/ of the monies untill the Triall be made.
What Artificers and how many shall make the Assays is not said in the Indenture but the custome has been |(|for the solemnity and credit of the Triall|)| to set not to make use of the Artificers of the Mint but of others chosen out of the Goldsmiths Company to ye number of 24 & sworn in manner of a Iury. This is a Iury of enquiry not of judgment|.| & t|T|heir business is not to hear witnesses & debate & judge but only to survey the workmanship of the coyn & try or examin it by experiment according to Art in the presence of both parties & report the bare matter of fact for making up a{illeg}|n| accompt between them about ye coynage unto that d{illeg}|a|y. If upon triall the monies prove worse in weight & fineness then standard and yet within the remedy the lack the lack thereof is entred of record by the Warden & Comptroller & thereupon the Master becomes proportionally debter to the King if better then standard the King remitts of the debt to the Master if of just weight & allay the recconing is eaven and at the foot of this recconing the Master becomes proportionally debtor to the has his Acquittance & Quietus under the broad seal whereby he is quit excused & discharged to that day against his Majty & people from further examination of ye matter or molestation about it{;}|:| but if the money prove without the remedy he makes fine & ransome {illeg}|at| ye Kings-will.
In this Triall therefore the King & |ye| M{illeg}|a|ster are the parties concerned who have referred themselves to this way of Tyall {sic} by consent & contract, so that the Master cannot be said to be under prosecution. There is no accusation charge or action against him, no reflexion upon him before the triall be made.
Much less do ye Warden & Comptroller appear at the barr of a Court of Iustice. Neither are they present as idle & insignificant spectators, but as the Kings Officers necessarily upon duty in their several stations in this Court under the Kings or Lords of the Council then present, it being their buisiness in behalf of {illeg}|his| |Maty| |&| {illeg}s|Peopl|e to keep the Keys of the Pix till the day of the triall & then to see that the triall be rightly made & to enter it of record & make a true accompt thereof to ye King that the same may be fully answered to his Majty.
As for the Gentlemen of the Iury whatever be their Character in other respects they are in this Triall the Kings sworn Assaymasters Weighers & Tellers acting in the room of the Kings ordinary sworn Assaymaster |&| Weigher & Teller of the Mint, and accordingly are bound to act by the same rules set down in the above mentioned Indenture. Whereby it is plain that the Iury are not to exclude the said Officers of the Mint from any part of the Triall nor to propose to them at any time to withdraw, but that they continue together untill the Veredict be given in, the Officers of the Mint being considered under the same character as if the whole business were transacted in their Office in the Mint.
For the business of this Iury being not a judgment made by hearing Witnesses & debating thereupon but a bare report of precise matter of fact: tis not in the power of the Officers of the Mint to influence the Iury by their presence, unless in giving them notice as they ought, where the trialls are not duly made. If the Iury be at liberty to repeat the Assays of weight & fineness till they themselves are satisfied, they can have no reason to complain,|:| and if they are bound to do it till the Officers of the Mint are also satisfied this makes the Trial of greater force to conclude both parties & satisfy the whole Nation then if it depended upon the oaths & skill of Iu the Iury al{illeg}|o|ne on a triall made in private. Such a private Triall would not bind the Master because not made according to his contract with the King. Nor perhaps would it be advisable for the King to let ye Mint by such private Trialls come into the hands of the Company of Goldsmiths & by being at their mercy be secretly swayd & governed by their interest. And therefore a publick solemn triall is appointed by the Indenture wch is the sole grownd of this triall & rule by {illeg}|w|ch they are sworn to proceed in making it.
<261r>A Memorial concerning the Trial of the Monies in the Pix by a Iury before the King or Lords of the Council and Officers of the Mint.
There are in the business of the Mint three trialls of Gold and silver all directed by the Indenture of the Mint to be made \each of them in prsence/ {illeg}{illeg}|o|f{illeg} the Warden Master & Worker & Comptroller by sworn Artificers, & being {illeg}|ma||de| made \in their presence (& by consequence to their satisfaction)/ they are all conclusive & binding against the Master & Worker.|,| |otherwise not.| || The first \of these trialls/ is of Bullion upon any disagreement between the {Weig}|Mast|er & Worker & Importer about the price. In such cases the Kings Assaymaster tries the Bullion upon\in the presence of/ the Warden Master & Comptroller & the Master is \then/ {illeg}|b|ound to receive it according to such assay althô his own Assaymaster should tell him it is to his loss. || The other two trialls are of two pieces taken out of every Iourney of new coyned monies, the one triall of one piece before deliverance of the monies the other triall of the other piece reserved in a Pix till the time of the triall. || And t|T|hese two trialls are in all respects alike excepting that the one is made \in the Mint/ by the Kings Assaymaster & Weigher & Teller sworn at their admission to their Office the other \out of the Mint/ by a number of Assaymasters Weighers & Tellers chosen out of the Company of Goldsmiths & sworn before the Lords of the Councill upon every new occasion For wch reason the Triall is removed from \the Mint to/ the place where the Council sits. If the monies {illeg}\|[|in the judment of the Warden & Comptroller|]|/ be uncovenable the Master & Worker is {sic} answerable & suffers either \Both these trialls (ar|s|e well that wthout as that within the Mint) are to be made before the Warden Master & Comptroller, & if the monies prove uncovenable \the Master/ is punished \in th{illeg}|em| both {trialls}/ in the first triall/ by recoining them at his own charge or \in the latter/ by making s{illeg}|a|tisfaction to the King /So yt ye Officers of ye Mint are in ye same {illeg}\{illeg} station/ to both trialls tho ye latter triall be the more solemn.\
The|is| latter of there two last Trialls is made not at the suit of ye King in any of his usual Courts of Iustice \not by any process at law agt ye Mr/ but by vertue of and according to a contract between the King & the Master & Worker set down in the Indenture of the Mint \made between them usually called the Indenture of ye Mint/ & therefore like all the rest of yt Indenture is to be looked upon as a part of the business of the Mint. In this contract the Master consents on his part that the Pix shall be opened & assays shall be made before his Majty or such of his Councill as his Majty shall appoint, & his Majty consents on his part that the Assays shall be made in presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller\worker/ \& both parties agree that ye Assays shall be made in presence of the Warden & Comptroller like the other trialls in the Mint the King entrusting them \against the Master/ as well with ye inspection of ye triall \by reason of their skill/ as wth ye custody \& keys/ of the monies untill the Triall of them\be made//. Tis agreed for the common satisfaction of both parties that the Assays be made before them both. What \Artificers/ and how many Artificers shall make the{illeg} \Assays/ is not said in the Indenture but the custome has been (for |ye| common satisfaction & greatest solemnity \security of the N{illeg}b{illeg}/ & assurance) so set aside \not to make Iust of/ the Arti\suppose for the/ /solemnity & credit {illeg}|o|f ye triall) not to make use of the Artificers\ ficers {sic} of the Mint & sweare a Iury of {Lords} \but of others chosen out of ye {Gold} Goldsmiths company to ye number of 24 wth {illeg}|&| sworn in manner of a jury/. This is a Iury of enquiry not of judgment|.| & t|T|heir business is not to hear witnesses {illeg}|&| debate & judge but only & their hands & eyes to examin the monies \to survey the workmanship of the coyn \& examin it/ experimentally according to Art in ye presence of both parties & also of ye {illeg} said Officers/ & report the \bare/ matter of fact for making up an accompt between the|m| King & the Master & worker \two said parties/ about the coynage unto that day. If \upon triall/ the monies prove too feeble\worse \in weight or fineness/ then standard and yet wthin the remedy the lack thereof is to be entred of record by/ \the Warden & Comptroller enter it upon|f| record\enter if of record/ & thereupon/ the Master becomes proportionally debtor to the King if too strong\better then standard/ the King remitts of the debt to the Master, if of just weight & allay the recconing is eaven & at the foot of this recconing the Master has his Acquittance & Quietus under the broad seal whereby he is quit excused & discharged to that day against the|hi||s| Majty & people from further examination of the matter or molestation about it: but if the money prove without the remedy he makes fine & ransome at the Kings will.
|+| In this triall therefore \†/ the Warden Master & Worker and Comptroller are not to be looked upon as persons standing at the barr of a court of Iustice: for there is no charge against the|i|m, in reflexion upon the|i|m before the triall be made. It|s| \is to be/ made not by a process at Law but in pursuit of a contract. By that contract its |is| \to be/ made as well in the presence of the {said} Officers\Master/ as before the \King or/ Lord of the Councill. They are present not by compulsion not as idle & insignificant spectators but as the Kings Officers upon duty in their severall Actions † In this Triall therefore the King & the Master are the parties concerned neither of wch can \who have referred themselves to this way of triall by contract so that the Master cannot be {sic}/ be said to supposed to stand at ye barr of a court of Iustice be under prosecut{e}|i|on, must less the \Warden/ Master \& Comptroller/ to standat at ye barr of a court of justice. For There is no charge \process {to barr} no {sic} accusation or charge or action/ against the|i|m no process at Law, no reflexion upon either the|i|m {sic} \him/ or the Master before the triall be made. Much less can the Warden & Comtroller be supposed to stand at ye bar of a court of Iustice. The \they being entrusted wth keys The {illeg} in behalf of the King till the {illeg}|v|ery day of the triall\The {sic}// Neither are they present as idle spectators & in si{f}|g|nificant spectators but as the Kings Orders \necessarily/ upon duty in their severall stations – – – – to ye King that ye same may be fully answered to his Majty † before the King or Lords of the Councill, it being their business \in behalf of the King to keep the Keys of the Pix till the day of the malt & then/ to see that this triall be rightly made, & in particular the Warden's & Comptroller's 6 {illeg} to enter it of Record & make a true accompt thereof to the King \that ye same may be fully answered to his Majesty/. {illeg}|| And {a}|A|s for the Gentlemen of the Iury whatever be their Character in other respects, they are in this Triall the Kings sworn Assay masters Weighers & Tellers acting in the room of the Kings \ordinary/ sworn Assaymaster & Weigher & Teller of the Mint & accordingly sworn \are bound like the others/ to act by the \same/ rules set down in the \above mentioned/ Inden{illeg}|t|ure|.| thereof. {sic} Whe{illeg}|reby| \it is plain yt/ the Iury are not to exclude the said Officers of the Mint from \any part of/ the Triall, nor to order\propose to/ them at any time to withdraw, but to\that they/ continue with them \together/ untill the Veredict + Report by given |in| & to suffer if not {illeg} them to take their places (as has been the custome)\the Officers of the Mint taking their places/ in the same order according to their Officers as if the whole business were transacted in their Office in the Mint. |‡|For the Triall depending not upon the judgment of the Iury but upon experimts of weighing telling & assaying wch the Iury make wth their own hands & eyes without needing any witnesses debates or judgment to turn the ballance, & their Veredict being only a report of matter of fact in a received standing form of words,|]| ‡ {illeg}|F|or ye whole {illeg}|b|usiness of this Iury being not a judgment made upon {sic}\by/ hearing witnesses & to|de|bating thereupon {illeg}|b|ut a bar report of \{pris{illeg}|e|}/ matter |tis not in the power| {sic} tis not in the power of the Officers of the Mint to influence the Iury by their presence, unless by giving them notice \as they ought/ where the trialls are not duly made. If the Iury be at liberty to repeat the Assays of weight & fineness till they \themselves/ are satisfied \they can have no reason to {illeg}|complain| {illeg}|And| if they are/ & bound to do it till the King or Lords of the Councill & Officers of the Mint are also satisfied, this makes the Triall of greater force to {illeg}\conclude both/ parties & satisfy the whole Nation then if it depended upon the oaths & skill of the Iury alone \or a triall \made/ private/. Such a private triall would not find the Master & Worker because not made according to his contract with the {illeg}|K|ing. Nor perhaps would it be advisable for the King to let the Mint by such private trialls come into the hands of the company of Goldsmiths, & by being at their mercy be secretly swayd & governed by their interest. And therefore a publick solemn triall is appointed {to}|by| the Indenture, the true meaning of wch it's the Iuries dity to understand and execute.\wch is ye sole ground of this triall & {the} rule \by/ wch they are sworn to make it\{proceed inspecting}/ in making it./
This triall therefore is not a process of law \against the Master/ but only a survey of the moies \according to contract/ for making up accompts between \him &/ the King & the Master: so that ye Master cannot be looked upon supposed under prosecution. There is no charge or accusation against him no reflexion upon him before the triall be made. Much less can ye Warden & Comptr. be supposed to stand at ye barr of a Court of Iustice Neither are they present as idle spectators
<263r>Directions about the Tryall of ye Monies of Gold & Silver {illeg}
The reason of trying ye \monies in the/ the Pix b{illeg}|y| a Iury before his Maty or Lds. of ye Councill & Officers of the Mint.
There are in the \business of ye/ Mint {fo}|th|ree trialls of Gold & Silver add \directed by the Indenture of ye Mint to be/ made by \sworn Artists/ before the Warden Master & Comptroller \by sworn Artificers/ & being so made they are all conclusive & binding against the Master, otherwise not. The first is of b|B|ullion imported. If \as often as/ {illeg}|th|e Master & Importer {cannot} |dis|agree about ye price,|.| \In such cases/ the \Kings/ Assaymaster tries ye Bulli{illeg}|o|n before the Waster Master & Comptroller & |ye| the{y} Master is bound to receive it {illeg} Bullion according to such assay |{illeg}| /by any unobs{illeg}er accident it should be to his loss.\ \altho his own Assaymaster \should/ tells him it is to the loss/ The second \triall/ is of monies new coyned to make the \monies by/ They are tried by the Kings Assaymr & Weigher & Tellers before ye Warden Mr & Comptroller & The other two trialls are of \two pieces taken out of every {two} journeys of/ new coyned monies \by ye Warden/, the one \tr. of one piece/ before deliverance \of ye monies/ the other afterwards /triall\ \of ye other piece reserved in a Pix till the time of the triall/, {illeg} & the{illeg}|s|e \two trialls/ are {illeg}|in| all respects alike excepting \the penalties upon it/ that ye one is made by the Kings \sworn/ Assaymaster & Weigher & Teller \sworn at their admission to their Office/ the other by \{illeg} competent {illeg}/ |[|the 24 Goldsmiths \{the} greater proportion of ye {illeg}/ & that ye penalty is greater in ye latter then \to make it more authentic & satisfactory./ if ye {illeg} condemned the penalty \|[|And if ye monies prove wth /only\ |[|upon the Master /{illeg} ye remedy\ the {illeg}|Ma|ster suffers in both cases |in| the one he bears ye charge of recoynage in the other he suffers fine & ransome at the Kings will|]|/ is greater in ye latter case then in the former. For in ye forme he only beares ye charge of recoining the \money/ in ye latter he is liable to so fine & ransome {illeg}|&| the Master {illeg} \And/ ye monies be |found| wthout ye remedy only no {illeg} beares ye charge of recoyning {illeg}|the|m in the former the penalty is greater upon ye Mr in the latter case then in ye former For upon ye Mr is greater in ye latter case th in ye former case is only the charge of recoynage in the latter it is fine & ransome {illeg} And yt ye penalty upon the Mr is greater in ye one case then in ye other \by a copy of nu{p}|m|ber of Ass{illeg}|ay|masters Weighers & Tellers chosen out of the company of Goldsmiths {illeg}|L|ondon & in the former case/ sworn before ye Privy Council {illeg} try ye monies faithfully to try ye monies faithfully upon every new ocasion If in the {illeg}|monies| upon these trials be found wthout ye remedy \upon every new occasion for wch reason the Triall is removed from the mint to the place where the Councill sits/ \|If| the monies in either triall be did faulty/ the Master \is cu{illeg}|lpa|ble & suffers/ in |ye| first of these two trialls suffers \{deforms} |suffers by|/ ye {illeg} charge o{illeg}|f| \even tho they be/ rec{illeg}|o|ining them {illeg} if\with the remedy/ in ye last {illeg}|day| suffers {illeg} \accounting wth ye King {illeg}/ \bearing defect if they be wthin a remedy or by fine & {sic}/ {illeg}|&| ransome at ye Kings {illeg}|w|ill. |if they be wthout|
The triall of ye monies in ye Pix is therefore \appointed to be/ made before the Warden Master & Comptroller of ye Mint not as persons \standing/ at {illeg}|the| barr of a court of Iustice \for |i|the proceeds wthout any accusation or reflection upon them before it be made & {illeg}|the| veredict given in against them\nor is it made/ before then as idle & {sic}/ nor as idle & insignificant spectators but as Officers of his Majts Mint in ye execution of the their Officer \they being appointed whose business it is/ to see yt ye triall be skilfully & regularly made \duly made & to enter it of record & make a true accompt thereof to his Maty/ & the Goldsmiths are a jury of Assaymasters Weighers & Tellers acting in the place of the Assaymaster & Weigher & Teller of the Mint. For wch reason it has been the custome for the said Iury to be wth\not to seperate themselves from//not to exclude\ ye said Officers of ye Mint as one body \nor to separate from them but to continue with them/ during {illeg} ye Triall untill ye {delivering} of the Vere{illeg}|d|ict to the be agreed upon & delivered to ye Lord \high/ Chancellour of England. |[|of England or \to the/ Lord Keeper or Lds Commrs of the broad seal.|]| \& \for ye said Officer/ to take {illeg}|th|eir places at ye trial & \at/ dinner {illeg} \wth the Iury/ as if the whole proceeding were in the Mint/ For this Triall is appointed in the Indenture of the Mint as a part of the business of the Mint & accordingly directed in the same Indenture to be made bef{illeg}|o|re the Warden Master & Comptroller like the other trialls \of Bullion & new monies & bullion/ {illeg}|f|or giving it the greater\force &/ credit & \against the Master/ |&| making |the| it|V|/eredict\ the more/the more\ \binding d{illeg}|to| the Master & the also the {more}\more// satisfactory to the n{illeg}|a|tion by the consent \& approbation/ of persons of variosu interesits, {illeg}|it| being perhaps \thought/ un{illeg}|ad|visable to let the Mint {illeg} into ye {illeg} be regulated by the {sale} interest of ye company of Goldsmiths \alone/ wthout \any/ che For ye trial being made proceeding\depending/ not by\upon/ the oaths of witnesses before the Iury\& debates/ \& judgmt of ye Iury/ but by\upon/ experiments of tell weigh{illeg}|i|ng telling & assaying wch the Officers of the Mint cannot biass Iury make wth their own hands & eyes & wch {illeg} are wth{illeg}|o|ut needing any \evidence/ debates \or judgment/ to turn the b|B|allance tis not in ye power of ye Officers of the Mint to influence ye Iury unless by where ye trialls are duly made|.| {illeg} & therefore they are directed to be made before them \said Officers/ according to ye usual course of the Mint that {illeg} by giving them satisfaction they may be of the greater force|.| where {illeg} make against them.
<264v>but if they sha the monies be found good & covenable after ye covenants in ye said Indenture then ye Master is quit excused & discharged against {the|hi||s| Maty} & people, that is not quit of any crime or debt laid to his charge justified in |t|{illeg}|his| {illeg} performance of his bargain & quit from all further examination of ye matter. {sic} |or molestation about it.|
This triall proceeds therefore wthout any reflexion upon the Officer \Master/ of the Mint untill it be ended untill ye he be found
This triall is made not at ye suit of ye {illeg}|K|ing in any of his usuall court of Iustice but by vertue of a contract between the King & |ye| Mr & Wr set down in ye Indenture of ye Mint & therefore like all ye rest {illeg}|of| yt Indenture is to be looked upon as a part of ye business of the Mint. In this contract the Master \on his part {then}/ consents that it\{assays}/\the Pix shall be opened & Assays/ shall be made before his Majty {&}|o||r| such of his Councilll as his Majty shall appoint & his Majty consents \in his part/ that the same Assays \(meaning both in weight & fineness)/ shall be made in presence of the Warden Master & Comptroller. \Tis agreed/ For ye common satisfaction of both parties tis agreed that the Assay be made before them both. What \& how many/ Artificers shall make them or how many is not said in the Indenture but the custome has been \for greater satisfaction/ to set aside ye Artificers of ye Mint & appoint \swear a number of/ others who from their {illeg} in the manner of a Iury. {illeg} of Inquiring This is a Iury of enquiry not of judgment & their business is only to {sic} make\{illeg}/ \not to hear witnesses & debate & judge but only wth their hands & eyes to {illeg} the monies & report the matter of fact for staking & making/ up an accompt between the King & ye Mr according to ye contract between them. If the {Mr} If the monies p{illeg}|rove| too feeble the Master becomes debtor to ye King accordingly, if too strong the Kings remitts of ye debt to ye Master if of just weight & allay the {King} Master recconing is eaven \to that day/ & ye Master quit & \excused & discharged against his Majty & people |[|That is quit/ from all further examination of ye matter or molestation about it|]| & has his quietus under ye broad seal, but if the money prove wthout ye remedy the Master makes fine & ransome at ye Kings will. {illeg}|And| & the {illeg} \whereby he/ is quit excused & discharged from his Ma against his Majty & people \from any further examina{illeg}|tion| of ye matter or molestation about it/; but if ye money prove without ye remedy the Master makes fine and ransome at ye Kings will by vertue of ye same contract
The In this trial therefore the {illeg}|W|arden Master & Comptroller are not to be looked upon as persons standing at {an}|th|e barr of a Court of Iustice, for there is no charge against them no reflexion upon them before the triall be made. Neither are they to be accompted\present as/ idle & insignificant spectators bit {illeg} as \the Kings/ Officers of the Mint in the execution of their Officer before the King or those of his whose business it is in behalf of \{illeg}ting, before the King of his Privy\Lords of the/ Councellours in their several stations/ /upon duty\ \it being their business/ to see \& satisfy themselves/ that the triall {illeg}|b|e rightly made before ye King or those of his council appointed to be present & \so the Wardens & Comptrollers/ to enter it of of {sic} record & make a true accompt thereof to his Majty. And the Iury are \sworn |the| |Kings|/ Assaymasters Weighers & Tellers acting in the place of the \Kings/ Assaymaster & Weigher & Teller of the Mint & \being accordingly {illeg} therefore /accordingly\/ sworn to act according to\by/ ye rules set down in the Indenture. Whence it ha{illeg}|s| been ye custome \till of late/ for ye Iury \are/ not to exclude the Officers of ye Mint \from the triall/ nor to command/order\ them to withdraw {illeg}|but| {illeg}|to| \suffer/ but them \to/ take their places after ye same manner at {illeg} the trial were\(as been the custome)/ bot {illeg}|at| ye triall & at ye dinner \in the same order according to their Offices/ as if the whole buisiness were transacted in the Mint & {illeg} \to/ continue with them untill the veredict be given i{t}|n|. For the triall depending not upon the judgment of the Iury but upon the oath experiments of weighting telling & assaying wch the jury make with their own hands & eyes & wthout needing any witnesses \{illeg}/ debates or judgment to turn the ballance, tis not in the power of the Officers of ye Mint to t{illeg} ye {be} influence the Iury but where the trialls are duly made. If the Iury are at liberty to repeat ye trialls \assays of weight & tale/ till they are satisfied & {are} bound to do it till the King or Lords of ye Council & Officers of ye Mint are \also/ satisfied this makes the triall of greater\greater/ groce to bind all parties \& sufficient to satisfy the whole nation/ then if it de{f}|p|ended upon ye oaths & skill of ye Iury alone. For |[|perhaps it will not be {illeg} advisable for|]| his Maty to suffer {b}|t|his Mint to be regulated by\{Incidents}/ \to come into ye hands of yecompany {illeg}|of| Goldsmiths & {truckle} under/ th{is}|eir| interest of ye Goldsmi Company of Goldsmiths alone\may in time prove of ill consequence & if it were advisable/, |[|& if it were yet ye Veredict would\will/ not bind ye Master where the Officers of the Mint are triall is not made before the Officers of ye Mint \& to their satisfaction/ according to the true intent & meaning of the contract between him & his Maty set down in |t|{ye}|he| Indenture of ye Mint But upon complaint ye Lord Chancellour with\may/ have just reason to refuse the Veredict {illeg} by {illeg} that \& {order} for ye satisfaction of ye Mint \in/ order/ the triall {sic} may\to/ |to| be repeated \in due {fine} for ye satisfaction of ye Mint\{form} & {manners}// according to the true meaning of ye Indenture wch the Iury are sworn to observe.|]| Such {illeg}\private/ trialls does\would/ not bind the Master because {not} \made/ according to his contracts with the {illeg}|K|ing, & if it did \it could bind him/ yet perhaps it may not be safe \nor perhaps would it be advisable for the King/ to let the Mint \by such {illeg}|t|rialls/ come into the hands of the \Company of/ Goldsmiths & |[|trusckle {money} their interest|]|\\s{illeg}d &/ be overused by/ by being at their mercy be \humbly/ swayd & governed {illeg}|by| their interest