Holograph queries about standards of trial plates
The fineness of gold & silver is generally estimated by the assay & bought & sold by this estimate; & gold wch is 24 carats fine & silver which is 12 ounces fine upon the assay, is reputed by a|A|ssaymasters Goldsmiths & Merchants fully fine. And indented standard triall pieces are by law to be made of 22 carats of fine gold & two carats of allay, & iof {illeg}|11| ounces 2dwt of fine silver & 18dwt of allay. And some Refine{illeg}|r|s have of late found out ways of refining gold & silver to higher degrees of fineness then 24 carats & 12 ounces fine, & may find out ways of making them still finer.
|Qu? 1.| Whether there should be one common standard degree of fineness of fine gold & one of fine silver in all great Britain for setting a value upon all gold & silver in buying & selling, in coining of money & in buying making of plate? And what is that standard degree of fineness according to law? Or may it be setled by her Majty in Council?
|Qu? 2.| Whether her Majty may appoint standard trial pieces to be made of such fine gold as proves just 24 carats fine upon the assay & if such fine silver as proves just 12 ounces fine upon the assay notwithstanding that gold & silver may by any new art be refined to an higher degree?
|Qu. 3.| Whether for keeping c{illeg}|o|nstantly to a standard her Maty may direct that a piece of the fine gold, & a piece of the fine silver of which the next standard trial pieces shall be made be kept in the Exchequer for determining with more exactness the fineness of the fine gold & fine silver of wch all triall pieces shall be made for the future?