Holograph draft of a clause requiring the officers of the York, Bristol, Exeter, Chester and Newcastle assay halls to attend Goldsmiths' Hall in London on request, in the event of their going two years without a pyx trial
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that as often as the Diets of the Goldsmiths of York, Bristol, Norwich, Exeter, Chester & Newcastel have not been tried at the trial of the Pix of the new coined moneys within {illeg}|t|wo years before; the Assaymasters of those towns shall annually upon notice in writing from the Wardens of the said company of Gold{illeg}|s|miths or nay three of them, bring or send their sev{al}|er|al Diets to the Hall of the said Company in London, to be there tried by the\a/ Committee of the said Company |[|at the same time {illeg}|&| in the same manner with\as/ the Diet of the said Company|]| uses to be tried