Result of pyx trial held 7 August 1713 on the gold trial plates of 19 October 1660, 15 October 1688 and 23 June 1707, which were all found standard
At the Tryal of the Pix the 7th of August 1713 were tryed 3 standard peices {sic} of Gold Indented vizt.
1 dated 19 Octor. 1660 Tryd & found standard upon ye Assay
1 dated 15 Octor. 1688 Tryd & found standard upon ye Assay
1 dated 25 Iune 1707 Tryd & found standard upon ye assay
The standard Peice {sic} of silver Indented was dated the 25 of Iune 1707 but not Tryed
The Iury reported the three standard peices {sic} of Gold to be all of them of the standard of 22 Carracts {sic} of fine Gold & two Carracts {sic} of allay in the pound weight troy & agreeable each & every of them with the other & others of them