Holograph note on the weight of samples of copper coins
Novemb 1st 1700 A pound of old Tinn farthings weighed made in tal{l}|e| 1s. 6d
Another pound of farthings {w}|m|ade in tale 1s 1d
A pound of pewter half pence made in tale 1s 5d +
Another pound made 1s 5d
Another pound of Tin or pewter half pence made 1s 5 +
Several half pence little worn being pickt out {illeg}|(|vizt 13 in number) about seven of {illeg}|t|hem weighed about 172 gr{illeg}|a|in{illeg}|s| {illeg}|eac|h & the other s|f|ix|v||e| about 160gr each, so that some of them seem to have been coyned at 17d to ye pound weight & others at 18d to ye lwt. And one with another they make 17 to ye lwt or thereabouts. Of those wch weighed 172gr, 6 were dated 1692 the other two 1690. The other five w{e}|h|ich were lighter were dated 1690 {illeg}{illeg}|l|es one of them were 1691 & another 1692, for ye number{e}|s| were blind.
These farthings half pence therefore seem first to have been coyned 18 & afterwards 17 to ye lwt Troy, or 22|1| & 21|0| to ye lwt Averdupois.