
|1 Marc = {illeg}|8| ounces = 64 Gros = 19{illeg}|2| Deniers = 160 Esterlings = 320 Mailles = 640 \Felins/ Grains = 778 ounces Troy – 2gr.|

|1 Ounce = 8 Gross = 24 Deniers = 20 Esterlings = 40 Mailles = 80 Felins = 576 Grains.|    |1 Denier = 24 grains.|

A \double/ Lewis d'or new out of the Mint weight 8dwt 16gr. Thirty six & a quarter Lewi dors make a French mark of Eight ounces, wanting only about 23 of the Remey|d|y wch Remedy is the 40th part {illeg}|o|f the ounce French or almost 12 grains English & 81112 silver Lewises make a Mark French wanting only 34ths of {illeg}|the| remedy, wch remedy is about 36 grains sterling in ye Mark. And thence the silver Lewis weighs 17dwt 1223gr new out of the Mint.

If 1 Mark = 778 ounces Troy, A Lewidor new out of ye Mint weight 4dwt 8120gr & a silver Lewis 17dwt 1278gr. so that a Lewidor is to L|a| Lewis a{illeg}|s| |[|1 to 4490, or {illeg} to 180 1 to {illeg}|4|122, or|]| 22 to 89.

{illeg}|A| Le|D|ouble Lewis|d|ors new out the Mint \one with about/ weighs 8dwt 16gr, a new sil {illeg}|&| by the assay {illeg}|th|e {illeg}|fren|ch \Gold/ money is found sometimes 34legr sometimes\oftener/ 14legr most commonly 12legr worse never standard. It may be recconed 716legr or in a r{illeg}|o|und number 12 legr worse then standard Before the coynage of Pistoles which began in Feb 17001 th{illeg}|os|e current in or markets weighed one with another 4dwt 718gr: but the heavy ones being melted down they do not now weigh one wth another above 7dwt 6gr or 7dwt 612gr. They \are {well} a|e|qually assaid & sized & the/ double Pistoles are generally heavier in proportion then the single ones \being less worn/. They {sic} are \both single & double/ well \allayed &/ sized.

Silver Lewises new out of the Mint weigh one with another 17dwt 13gr or 1314\gr/ but in every six or seven years wearing lose a grain, more or less. They are less equally \allayed &/ sized then the gold. The assays of ten pieces were as follows. 1st Coyned 1651 wors 2|4|wt ob. {illeg}|2|d coyn{illeg}|d| 1679 better 1wt ob. 3d coynd 1680 sta. 4th coynd 168{illeg}|2| better 4wt. 5t coynd 1687 sta. {5}|6| coynd 1690 restamp 1694 wors 1wt. 7th 8th 9th & {illeg}|10|th worse sta. sta. {sic} better 1dwt. worse viijdwt. One wth another w{illeg}|orse| 710dwt. These & two others weighed one with another 17dwt 6g, the eight heaviest of them 17dwt 12 the two heaviest 17dwt 1314gr, the two lighted 17dwt 312gr being {illeg}|li|gh{illeg}|t|ned by wearing

The French standard is 11 ounces fine & one \ounce/ of allay both for gold & silver They cut a Mark into 3614 Pistoles & 81112 silver Lewises, abating {illeg} part of\allowing for/ the remedy. The whole remedy {illeg}|for| gold is two Felins {illeg} (or about 1145gr g{illeg}|ra|ins English) per Marc & for silver {three} six {fi} three times as much. And of this they abate about 7gr per Marc of gold & 21gr pr Mark of silver \in the weight of the money/ so that the French Marc is (3614 Pistoles + 7gr = 81112 \white/ Lewises + 21gr =) 7 ounces 17dw{illeg}|t| 9gr \Troy/ quam proxime. And {illeg}|t|herefore ye ounce Frenc{illeg}|h| is to ye ounce Troy of the Exchequer & Tower as 6{5}|0| to 61.

The remedy of Allay is

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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