Detailed holograph account of the design, weight, assay and wear of various Scandinavian and German coins
A quarter Pi{illeg}|ast|er of Sevil. |Wt| 4dwt 6gr. Date 1682. Worn gr. On one side a Castel & Lyon rampant quartered & about it Carolus II D. G. 1682. On the other side Carolus in cyphers crowned thus & about it Hispaniarum Rex.
A Swedish piece wth the king standing wth a sword in hand & three escutcheons at his feet & about him Carolus IX D. HG. Suecor. Gothor. Vandalor. El Rex & over his head {illeg}. And on the other side Christ wth a Globe in his hand & about him Slavator mundi salva nos & about that Iehova solatium meum. Coynd 17|6|10. Wt 19dwt 0gr. Worn gr. Worse 8 dwt
Two 4 Mark pieces of Denmark coynd 1657, 1668. On one side F. 3 in cypher thus crowned & about it Dominus providebit On the other side 3 Lyons passant in an Escutcheon crowned & about it {illeg} IIII Marck Danske 16 Weight 14dwt 8gr & 14dwt 9gr. the first worn {illeg}|2| or 3 grains the last not worn. Worse 2oz 18dwt 3oz 1dwt
A 4 Mark piece of Denmark coynd 1673 wth this Cypher crowned & about it Pietate et Iustitia. On ye other side a Lyon grasping a crooked Poleax, a crown above it & about it IIII Marck Danske 1673. Wt 14dwt 5gr. {Another} Worse 3oz 2dwt
Another wth C 5 in Cypher crowned & about it Pietate & Iusticia. On ye other side the kings arms crowned & about it III Mark Danske 1686. Wt 14dwt 8gr. worn 1gr. Worse 3oz
Another the kings head & breast in armour & about it Christian{illeg}. {illeg} V. D. G. Rex Dan. V. G. On ye other side the kings arms crowned|.| o|O|n the sides 4 M 1690. About it Pietate et Iustitia. Wt 14dwt 4gr. Worn 1 or 1gr. Worse 3oz 1dwt
A|T|wo others new coyned & glossy not at all worn. On one side the kings Head with this inscription Christ. V Dei gratia. On ye other side a crown & under it in small letters Piet. et just. & about it Dan. Nor. Van. Got Rex. 1694. Wt 11dwt 11dwt 14gr & 11dwt. 12gr. Worse 1oz
A Rix d{illeg}|o|ller of this Emperor Leopold coyn{illeg}|d| 1691. Weight 18dwt 9 gr. worn gr. Worse 10dwt.
A half rix doller of ye same. Coyned 1691. Weight 9dwt. 4gr. Worn gr. Worse 10 dwt
A Gout Gulden or 28 Styvers of Holland {sic}\Freisland/. A man with a sword in hand & about him Nisi dominus 1665. On his sides 28 ST. On the r|R|everse two Lyons passant in an Escutcheon crowned & about it enus argent. Ordi. Frisiæ. The weight 13dwt 9gr Worn 1gr, or 2 gr. Worse 2oz.
A Guilder piece of the city Daventria coynd 1687. Wt 6dwt. 17gr. Worn 1gr. Worse 2dwt.
A Lyon Dollar of\\Rixdoller or/ Patgon {sic} of Holla{illeg}|nd| &/ Zeland \of full value/ coyned 1658. Weight 18dwt 9gr worn 4 or 5 gr. |Worse| /5dwt. The man armed is drawn only to the middle\
A three Guilder piece coynd 1698. Weight 20dwt 7gr. Worn or gr. Worse 2dwt.
Three\wo/ Rix Dollers of Ferd the Empire of Ferdinand III. His head on one side & about it Ferdinand III. D. G. Ro{illeg}|m|. Im. Se. Aug. Ger. Hu. Boh. Rex. On the reverse, a coat of arms on the breast of a spread eagle & about it Archidux Aust. Dux Bur. Mar. Mor. Com. Tyrol 163 {sic}\5/7. 166|5|4. Wt 18dwt 5gr. 18dwt. 4gr. {illeg}|E|ach worn 3 or 4gr. Worse 10dwt & 10dwt
A third Rix dollar of ye same Em{illeg}|p|eror. On one side the same wth the former. o|O|n the other side a mixt coat of arms crowned & about it Arc. Dux. {3} Aust. D. Bur S. K. C. Com. Tyr. The date 1653. |Wt| 18dwt 8gr. Worn gr. Wrse 8dwt.
{illeg}|five| {Head} Rix Dollars of Poland \& ye cities Dantzick & Thorn./ The first of Sigismund 1620 or 1630, the other four of VLADISLAVS IIII, 1633, 1640, 1640, 1645. The 1st 2d & last have \the kings head & on the reverse/ the Kings arms wth this inscription Sigis III [VLAdislaus IIII] D. G. Rex Pol. M. D. LIT. Rus. Prus. MASVR. about the head & this SAM. Liv. nec non Sue. Got. Vand. Q. H. R. Rex about the arms. The third & \& {sic} 4th dated 1640/ have also the kings head with a sword & globe in his hands like the former & on the reverse the arms of the Cities Dantzick & Thorn with these inscriptions Moneta argentea Civitatis Gedanensis. Moneta nove argentea civitatis Thorunensis. Their weight 18dwt 9gr 18dwt 7. 18dwt 6gr. 18dwt 3gr. 18dwt 3gr. Worse {illeg}|2|, 3, 3, 4|5|, 3. Weight new out of the Mint 18d. 11g, 18d. 10g, 18d. 9g, 18d. 8g, 18d. 7g. At a middle recconing 18dwt 9gr. Worse 9dwt, 12{illeg}dwt, 11dwt, 12dwt, 10dwt.
A double Ducat of the Duke of Hannover|.| wth this In one side a mixt coat of arms wth this inscription crowned with a Ducat {cap} & about it Georg. Lud D. G. D. BR & LV. S. R. Imp. El. And on the other wise a running horse & over him In recto {illeg}|d|ecus & undern{illeg}|e|ath 1699 very well coyned & not worn but glittering new out of ye Mint. Wteight 4dwt 10 gr. Assay Better 1car 2gr.
A Hungary Ducat. The Emperor standing wth a scepter & glove in his hands. & about him Leopold D. G. R. I. s. A. G. H. B. Rex On ye other side A. Au. Du. By. M. Mo. Co. Ty 1701 yt is {illeg}|{R}om.| Rmperij semper August, Ger. Hung. Bohem. Rex. Archid. Aust. Dux Burg. March. Moraviæ, Comes Tyrol 1701. Weight 2dwt 5gr. New coynd glossy, not at all worn. Essay {sic} |Better 1 Car 3gr.| Within the inscription of the Reverse is the virgin wth Christ {illeg}|i|n the hand \her {lefht} left arm/ & a scepter {illeg}|i|n the|r| {illeg}|r|ight hand.
Three Rix\Bank/dollers fo Hamborough. On the one side a spread Eagle \wth 32 upon the breast/ & about it Ferdinandus II. D. G. Rom. Imp. S. A. On ye other a Castel or Gate City Gate with three high towers & about it Moneta Nova Civita. Hamburgentis
Date | 1623 | 1631 | 1636 | |||
Weight | 18dwt | 3g | 18dwt 6gr | 18dwt | 8gr | |
Assay | |Wo| 8dwt | Wo 8|7|||dwt | wo 10dwt |
The first & second worn about 4 \or 5/gr a piece the 3d abbout 3 or 4gr One wth another they may be recconed 18dwt 1{0}|9|gr new out of the Mint.
A Rix doller of Frankf{illeg}|u|rt coynd 1638. On one side a spread Eagle & about it Ferdinandus III D. G. Rom. Imp. semp. Augus 1638. On the other wise a \little/ spread Eagle in the midle {sic} of a Cross & about it Moneta Reipub. Francofurtensis. The weight 17dwt 22gr. worn 2gr. Assay Worse 8dwt as above.
Rixdollar of Dantzic coynd 1650 the kings head on one side & about it Ioh|a|n. Cas. D. G Rex Pol & Sue. M. D. L. R. P{illeg}|r|. & on the reverse his arms supported & about it Moneta argentea civitatis Gedanensis. Weight 18dwt 8gr worn a grain or two. Wo{illeg}|rse| 10dwt.
Eight Mark piece of Sweden coynd 1692. The kings Head wth Carolus XI D. G. Rex Sue. & on ye reverse three crowns in an Escutcheon crowned & about it Dominus Protector meus. 1692. At ye sides of the Scutcheon 8 M & below A. S. Weight 19dwt 22gr Not worn, or not above gr. On the edge Manibus ne ladar avaris. Assay {illeg}|Stan|.
A new \coynd/ sevil piece of 8. wt 17dwt 11gr Better 1dwt.
A Dutch {illeg} Gout Gulden Wt. 10dwt 22gr Assay Worse 2oz. On one side a rugged man between 28 st & about him {illeg}|Ni|si dominus Nobiscum. On the other two Lyons \passant/ in an escutcheon & about it Florenus argenteus Ordi. Frisciæ.
A silver piece of Hanover The Dukes arms between 17–00 & about it Georg Lud. D. G. BR & Lun. S. R. I. El. On the other side a running horse & above him In recto decus, & underneath {illeg}|Fein.| silb. Weight 8dwt 9gr. Better 17dwt.
A new Sevil piece of 8. Wt 13dwt 22gr. Worn gr coynd 1700. Worse 0dwt.
A Rix doller of Zuric {sic} \in Switzerland/. On one side in streight lines Domine conserva nos in pace 1673 on the other a Lyon rampant with a sword in one cl|p|aw & an escutcheon in the other & about it Moneta nova Reipublicæ Tigurinæ. Weight 17dwt 23gr. Worn 2 Worse 13dwt.
Anoth Rix doller of Basil. A spread eagle & about it Domine conserva nos in pace. On the other side 1640 & about it Moneta nova urbis Basiliensis. Weight 18dwt. 18gr. Not worn. g|G|lossy out of ye Mint. Worse 7 dwt.
A Rix doller of Brunswick & Lunenberg. A mixt coat of arms & about it Frideric. Vlric. Dux Bruns{illeg}|w|i. et L. & on the reverse a wild \hairy/ man standing naked wth a {illeg}|Y|oung tree in his hand & about him Honestum pro patria. 1623. Weight 18dwt 16gr worn \1 or/ 2gr. Worse 8dwt.
A Rix doller of the Duke Brandenburg. His head to hi{d}|s| midriff with a scepter in his hand & about him Frid. Wilh. D. G. Mar. Baand. S. Ro. Imp. Arch. Cam. Pr. El. And on the other side a mixt coats of arms & about it Mag. D. PR. I. C. M. S. Pe Dux. No date. |Wt| 18dwt. 12gr. Worn {illeg}|2|gr or 3gr. Worse 8dw{t}
Another like the former. A{illeg}|b|out the head Georg. Wilh. D. G. Marchi. Bran. sacr. Rom. Imp. Archic. El. D. Prus. And about the reverse Anfranck Bedenk. Das. Ende. 1634. Weigh 18dwt 12gr Worn 1gr. Worse 10dwt.
A Rix d|D|oller of Nuremberg. A spread Eagle & about it Ferdinand II D. G. Roman. Imper. semper Augustus D. P. On the {illeg}|R|everse three Escutcheons between 16–21 & about {illeg}|the|m Moneta argentea Reipub Nuremberg. Weight 18dwt 2gr. Worn 3 or 4gr. Another 1623 not worn. Wt 18dwt 16gr Another 1626 Wt 1{illeg}|8|dwt 6gr Worn 2gr. Assays 5dwt 3dwt 8dwt worse
A Rix Doller of Ment{illeg}|z|. The Bishops head to the paps {illeg}|&| about it Anselmus Casimirus D. G. Archiep. & on ye Reverse a coat of Arms & about it Mog. Rom. Imp. per Ger. Arch. Ca. P. E. Vnder ye arms 1637. Weight 2d. 18dwt 3gr worn 5gr. W{illeg}|o|rse 6 dwt.
A Rix Doller of this Emperor Leopold wth his head on one side & arms on the other coynd 1660. Weight 18dwt 8gr worn 2 or 3gr. Worse 11dwt.
A coyn of ye Duke of Brandenburg. His head on one side & about it Frid. III. D. G. Mar. Brand. S. R. I. Arc. & El. On the revers {sic} his arms crowned wth this inscription Moneta Nova Brandenb. 1689. Weight 11dwt. 2gr. Worn gr or 1gr. Vnder the arms . Worse 2oz, 3dwt.
A Roupee better 16 or 17dwt, weight 7dwt 10gr
Rix d{illeg}|o|ller of Albertus Duke of Brandenburg coynd 1549 & current at Hamborough. The Dukes head to his wast one & about him Albert D. G. Marchio. Brande{illeg}|n|b. And on the Reverse a great Cross wth a coat of Arms in the middle & four coats of arms in the quarters between the Barrs, & about it Si Deus pro nobis quis contra nos. Weight 18dwt 7gr worn 5|4| or 6|5|gr or 6. Worse 7dwt.
Thre {sic} Rix dollers of Franckfurt. On one side the spread eagle & about it Ferdinand \II or/ III D. G. Rom. Imp. Semp. Aug. {illeg} A On ye Reverse a large cross wth a spread Eagle in an Escutheon {sic} in ye middle of ye Cross & about it Moneta argentea Reip. Francofurtensis. Dates 1634, 1641, 1647. Wt 18dwt 4gr. 18dwt {8}|{3}|gr 18dwt 8gr Worn 4 or 5, 3|5|, 3. Mean Weight when new 18dwt 9gr. |Worse 8dwt. 10dwt. 7dwt.| /Another 1638. Worse 8 dwt. as above.\
Three Rix Dollers of Lubec. The spread Eagle wth \Ferdinand II//II\ D. G. R. Imp s. Aug On ye Reverse, {illeg}|C|hrist & about him moneta nova Lubecensis Weight 18dwt 14|6|gr 18. 16. 18. 9 worn. {illeg}|W|orn 1gr 2g 4gr Date 1588, 1581, 1630, Worse 10dwt. 6dwt. 10dwt.
Rix doller of Hannover. The spread eagle & about it Ferdinand II. D. G. R. Imp. S. Aug. On the {o}|r|everse a city Gate & about it Moneta Nova Civitatis Hannoveræ 1625. Weight 18dwt 9gr worn 3gr. Worse 8dwt.
Rix doller of Magdeburg. A man wth a flag leaning on an Escutcheon wth a spread Eagle & about him Sanctus Mauritius. On ye reverse an Escutcheon & about it Moneta Archiepiscopatus Magdeburg. Wt 18 10gr Worn 2gr. Date 1608. Worse 10dwt
<56v>T{illeg}|w|o\{illeg}/ pieces of Cosms II Duke of Tuscany. On side the Duke to ye middle on the o{illeg}|t|her {illeg}|s|even mullets in an Escutcheon crowned. About ye head Cosmus II magn. Dux Etrur. IIII. About the Escutcheon, Pisa invetustæ majestatis mem. The dates 1691, 1621. Weights 18dwt 1gr, 18dwt 1gr. Worn 3gr 4gr. Worse 10dwt. 7dwt.
Ducat of Danemark. {illeg} On one side C5 in cypher Crowned. On the other side three coats of arms in an escutcheon crowned & about it D. G. Rex Da. No. V. G. 1691. In the lowest coat are three crowns in the higest {sic} to ye right hand a Lyon \holding or/ walking on a crooked poleax, & to ye left three Lyons passant. The weight 2dwt 5 gr. g|G|littering new out of the Mint. Better 1car 2gr.
Rix doller of Poland. The knings head to the wast & about it Sigismund \III/ {Rex} III D. G. Rex Pol. M. {Dletrus}. Prus. Maj D,LIT,RVS. PRVS. RVS. MAS. On the revers {sic} a mixt coat of arms crowned & about it Sam. Liv. Ne. No. Sue. Got. Va{illeg}. DOHR. Rex. Wt 18dwt. 13gr. Worse 10dwt.
Thre {sic} Dutch Styvers\schellings/: A spread eagle on one side & horsman on ye other. Wt 3dwt − 2gr 3dwt − 2gr. 3wt + 2gr. Weight of all three 9wt − 3gr. Worn worn {sic} all together 1gr. Made in several towns of Holland. Assays Worse 4oz 10dwt, {illeg}|w|orse 4oz 11 dwt, worse 4oz 7dwt.
Four Peru pieces of 8 much worn. Their Assays worse 1dwt, Worse 4dwt, Sta. Worse 4oz 10dwt. 4oz 11dwt. 4oz 7dwt worse 7dwt.
{illeg}|A| Rix doller of the city of Hannover\Luneberg/ much like that of Hamborought {sic} On one side a spread Eagle & about if Ferdinandus II D. G. Rom. Imp. S. Aug. On the other side |t|a|h||e| {s}|{w}|all & Gate of a city & about it Moneta nova Civi. Lunaburgensis The date 1636. Weight 18dwt 8gr. Wo 10dwt. Worn about 3gr
Two Iulios\Testons/ of the Pope. On one side a coat of arms wth the Popes {crown} upon it & about it Innocent XI Pont. M. A. IX. On the other side in streight lines. Melius est dat quam accipere. Coynd 1684, 1685 Glossy out of the Mint. Not at all worn. Weight 5dwt 21gr 5dwt 21 together 11dwt 18gr Assay worse 1dwt, Sta. Neatly coyned.
A piece of money of Naples of 50 \grains/ or 5 carlins coynd 1693. Weight 7dwt worn gr. About the kings head Car. II D. G. Rex Hisp. et Neap. On ye reverse a gold fleece suspended & under it G. 50 that is Grains 50. W. 3dwt.
A Ducat of ye Duke\Marquess/ of Brandenburg coynd 1629. Thre {sic} heads & about them D. Gra. Frid. Alb. Christ. Fr. March{illeg}. Brand Duces \& on the Reverse about a {illeg}|m|ixt coat of arms/ Pruss. St. Pom. Cas. Van. Iag. Burg. I. Nu{illeg}nb. Pr. R. Weight 2dwt 4gr worn gr
A quarter Gulden of ye Duke of Saxony. About his head Ioh. Georg. II. D. G. Dux Sax. I. C. & Mont. And on ye reverse about his arms Sac. Rom. Imp. Archim. et Elector. 1678 & under the Arms . Weight 2dwt 10gr. Worn or 1 grain. Better 6 dwt.
A coyn of ye Duke of Brandenburg 1670. About his head Fri. Wilh. D. G. M. Br. S. R. I. Arch. et Elector & about his arms suprem. Dux in Prussai. 1670. And under the arms . Markt to denote the value raised. Weight 5dwt 22gr. Worn 1 or 2gr. Weight 10dwt. 7gr. Worse 2oz
A coyn of yor Duke of Brandenburg 1675 About his head Rud. Aug. D. B. E. Luneb. On the Reverse a Lyon between two P{illeg}|i|llars & about it Moneta Brunsv. And under the arms 1675. Weight 10dwt 6gr. Worn 2gr Worse 12dwt.
Another 1676. Wieght 10dwt. 7gr Worn 1gr. Worse 12dwt.