Holograph notes on French, German, Portuguese, Dutch and New England coins
Cross Dollar of Flanders with this inscription about the cross. PHIL IIII. D. G. Hisp. et Indiar Rex & on ye Revers a coat of several arms wth this inscription Archid. Aust. Dux Bur{d}|g| Brab. et co. Fl
One piece \1630/ weight 17dw 1{illeg}|6|gr worse 12dwt
Another piece 1622 wirth 17dwt 18{illeg}gr worse 12dwt worn
Another 1622 weight 17dwt {1}|2|2{illeg}gr worse 1{3}|2|dwt worn
A half cross Dollar \1648/ wors 13 dwt weight 1{illeg}|9|dwt 2|1|{illeg}\gr {sic}/gr. besides loss of assay\9dwt 1gr/ Worn
A cross Dollar 1694 wors 12dwt weight 12dwt weight 17|8|dwt 2|0|0{}||gr besides loss of assay Little worn
In general \these pieces are/ {illeg}|10||| ounces fine, & 17|8|dwt 221gr {ar} 18dwt 1gr when new coyned. If 18dwt a piece i{illeg}|s| worth 4s. 2d |or| If 17dwt 22gr a piece is worth 4s 2d\4s 2/. And abating 1d for wearing the current pieces are worth 4s {illeg}|2|d. Mr Floyers sets them at 4s 7d
Legg Dollars. An armed man wth a sworn in his right hand the blade leaning on his shoulder & in his left hand a soble string at wch hangs an escutcheon wth ye arms of a Dut{illeg}|h| {sic} Province covering he|i|s left legg. His right legg stands in view. About it this inscription. Mo. No. arg. Confoed. Belg. {West}. \Com. Zel./ /&c\ And on the revers the arms of the seven provinces vizt In an Escutcheon a Lyon rampand|t| wth a sword in one foot & seven darts in ye other with this inscription Concordia res parvæ crescunt.
One piece 1697 not worn worse 13dwt weight 17dwt {illeg}|23|gr + wast by assay
Another piece 1698 not worn worse 15dwt weight 17dwt {illeg}|23|gr + wast by assay
Another piece 1695 not worn worse 13dwt weight 17|8|dwt {2}|1|gr + wast by assay
Several others coyned in 1701 were found by assays in the Tower 12dwt worse one of them 13dwt worse. They should be therefore 10{illeg}|oz|{illeg} fine but often prove 1, 2, or 3dwt worse thn 10oz.
In general wors\these pieces are/ {illeg}|10| ounces 10dwt fine & when new coyned weight 17|8|dwt {20}|0|gr when new coyned, & so are worth 4s 4dd. Mr Floyers sells em at 4s 7d a piece
Collen Dollars The Bishops head on one side with this inscription Maximil \Hen. D. G./ Arc{illeg}. Col. Prin. El. {illeg} H{illeg} And on the reverse his arms wth this inscription Ep. et Princ{e}. Leo{illeg}|d|. Dux Dulo Mar. Fr. Co{i}. Lo{illeg}. H.
One piece 1671 worse 13dwt weight 17dwt 18||gr worn 4 or 5gr
Another piece 1666 worse 14dwt weight 17dwt 13|21|gr much worn
Another 1688 worse 13dwt weight 17dwt 1{4}|8|gr much worn
Another 1683 worse 12dwt weight 17|8|dwt {illeg}7|00|gr.
In general these pieces are 1{illeg}|0|oz {illeg}|09|dwt fine \(by law 10oz)/ & weigh 17|8|dwt {illeg}|01|gr when new coynd & yn are worth 4s 2d. Mr Floyer values them at 4s. 7d a piece
Lyon Dollars A man to the thighs holding an Escutcheon before him with this inscription Mo: Ar. pro. Confoe. Belg. {West} \{Campen}/ /&c\ And on the Reverse a great Lyon rampant wth this inscription Confidens Deo non movetur
One piece 1687 worse 2oz 2dwt weight 17dwt {illeg}|12|gr.
Another 1640 worse 2oz 5dwt weight 16dwt 22gr 17dwt 5
Another 1650 worse 2oz 1dwt weight 1{illeg}|6|dwt 1{illeg}|8|gr
Another 1637 worse 2 oz 7dwt weight 17dwt 13 gr
<18v>These pieces seem legally {10}|9| ounces fine but are com{illeg}monly coarser by one two & sometimes by 3 4 or five penny weight.
Three Lyon Dollars not assayed dated 1641, 1645, 1648 weight 17dwt 9gr. 17dwt 4gr 17dwt 7gr & perhaps when new coyned they might weigh 17dwt 18gr as Reynolds put them. \I had rather say 17dwt 14gr where new coyned/ In payments they are valued at/worth\ 3s 8d a piece by ye {illeg} Refiner in by|u|ying & 3s 6d in selling.
Portugal pieces (old /new\ ones) with the arms of Portuga{illeg}|l| on one {illeg}|si|de & the number 400 res on one side ye {illeg}|a|rms And about it this inscription Alphonsus VI. /Ioannes IIII\ D.G. Portug. /Petrus II D.G. Rex Portug.\ et Alg. Rex & on the Reverse the arms of {illeg}|a| great cross with this inscription In hoe signo vences.
An old || piec {sic} of 200 Res worse 1dwt weight 6dwt 20gr.
Another old piece of 200 Res stampt 250 worse 1d weight {illeg}|6|dwt 17gr
A new piece of 200 Res \1690/ wor{illeg}|s|e 1dwt weight {illeg}|5|dwt. {illeg}|10|dwtgr + great loss by assay.
A{n} new \whole/ piece of 400 Res 1691 worse 2dwt weight {illeg}|11|dwt. {illeg}|03|||gr.
Another of 1689 worse 1dwt full weight 11dwt {illeg}|7|||gr.
Another of 1688 worse 1dwt weight 1{illeg}|0|dwt. 22gr
Another {illeg}|of| 400 res 1688 not assaid weight 11dw{illeg}|5| 5gr
Another of 1687 not assaid weight 11dwt 4gr.
Another of 1687 not assaid weight 11dwt 2gr.
Another of 1689 not assaid weight 11dwt 7gr.
Another of 1689 not assaid weight 11dwt 5gr
Another of 1689 not assaid weight 11dwt 5gr
Another of 1690 not assaid weight 11dwt 1gr
A new piece of 200 Res 1689 not assaid 5dwt 1{illeg}|1|||gr
An old whole piece of 400 Res \very/ much worn {illeg}|n|ot assaid weight 11dwt 4gr
An old half piece of 200 Res \pretty/ much worn & markt 250 weight 6dwt 23gr.
The old pieces by marking were raised from 400 to 45|50|0 res & then new pieces of 400 res were coyned lighter then the old ones in proportion of 4 to 5. The {old} Both new & old are coyned for 11 oz fine & one wth another are finer by dwt. The weight of the new whole pieces {illeg} after when new coyned is 11dwt 5gr or at most 11dwt 6gr or 11dwt 4gr. The \three/ old ones weighed one wth another before the assaying 7dwt 0gr & had lost 8 or 10 grains by wearing so they seem to be of the new ones. They are one wth another worse 1dwt, & so are worth 32d|p|ence = 2s 8d.
{illeg}|A| n|N|ew England shillings with this inscription on one side New England 1652 & on ye reverse a Pine or fire tree with this inscription about it In Masathusets. They were standard & one wth another weighed 3|2|dwt 22gr being pretty equally sized, & so were worth 9d + \a piece/. A pound made 80 shillings wth the remedy.
An 8 Mark piece of Sweden was standard \full/, & weighed (after loss by assay) 20dwt 9||gr when new coyned 20dwt 10gr or 10, worth 5s. 3d.
One Sevill piece coynd 1691 weight 00oz. 13dwt. 21gr stand
Another Sevill piece coynd 1700 weight 00. 14dwt. 00gr stand.
<19r>Silver Lewises old coyn wth three Lillys in an Escutcheon plain
|One| 1687 standard.
|One| 1682 better 2dwt
|One| 1651 worse 2dwt
|One| 1680 sta.
|One| 1679 better 1dwt
Silver Lewises restampt with \two/ sprigs of rose mary or palm tree about ye round Escutcheon.
|One 1694 worse 8dwt|
|One| 1694 sta
|One| 1694 sta
|One| 1694 better 1dwt
|One| half Lewis coynd 1690 restampt 1694, {illeg} worse 1dwt
Duca{illeg}|to|ns of {illeg}|F|landers. The kings head on one side wth this inscription Phil IIII D. G. Hisp. et Indiar. Rex and on ye reverse a mixt coat of arms sp|u|pported wth Lyons wth this inscription Archid. Aust. Dux Burg. Brab. &c.
One wth another they are better 3dw 4dwt. The Assaymaster of the Mint tells me that he f generally s|f|inds these Ducatons 4dwt better, & has seldom met with any so coarse as these four.
Ducatons of Holland. One one side an armed man on horsback, on the other side the Belgic Lyon wth a sword & 7 darts in a scutcheon supported by Lyons. Inscribed Mo. no. Arg. pro confoe Belg Prov. Holland \West/ /&c\ & on the reverse Concordia res parvæ crescunt.
One | 1672 better 3dwt. weight | 20dwt | 16gr | ||
1673 better 3dwt scant wt | 20dwt | 20gr | |||
1675 better 4dwt wt | 28dwt | 18gr | |||
3 | 55 | 18. | 14 |
Collen Ducatons coyned 1668, 1674 1675 weighing 20dt 9gr 20dt 12gr (pretty much worn) & 20dt 16 worn 2 or 3 grains. Be{d}|t|ter 3dwt, 4dwt scant, 3dwt scant. The Bishops head & arms & inscriptions as in the Dollars.