Preliminary enquiries and calculations relating to various foreign currencies and exchange rates
How much silver or how {Doll} man{illeg}|n|y {sic} \{or a Rix Doll} Dollers or/ Marks Lubs \& styvers/ in silver they give in change for a Ducat \of gold/ at Hamborough, Fran{k}|c|kford, Dantzick, \Riga,/ Nuremburg {or} \Stetin/ Copenhagen &c. {illeg}|A|nd what sorts of Dollars they change for \at that rate/, or of what value or {illeg}|e|st{illeg}|e|em those Dollers are in proportion to {illeg} the French Ecu or old Rix Doller of the Empire.
Dantzich curr money is 18 Gr{illeg}|o|sh pieces {illeg} Grosh pieces \30 {illeg}|Gr|ush/ |to a Guilder| a ducat is sold commonly for 6 G. or 6 G. 25. Grosh {&} new is 7 G. 12 Grosh
a Cross Doller formerly 3. Guild. now 3 G. 20 Grosh
Banck doller 3 G. 23. Grosh
<15v>at Riga a Gold \ducat/ is commonly of an {illeg} Eqqual value to two {specie} dollars. {& some times} 2 cross dollars.
In ye Duk{e} of Hammovers country a Hungary Ducat is worth 3 Guldens & sometime{s} 1 or 2 sols more.
A Lewidor is there worth seven Guldens or wthin 2 or 3 sols over or under.
A Gulden consists of 16 Gout gross or 24 Marien gross|.| &|A||n|{illeg} old Rix doller is worth about 46 Marien gross. Hannover \Luneburgh/ Zell Sax \Wo{illeg}em Bottle/ Gotha {&} Hess cassel & Brandenburg have the same Guilders \by agreement/ & proportion of Gold but ye Gulders of Brandenburg are bigger & coarser.