'A Scheame of the Trade as it as at p[re]sent carried on': clerical copy of 1674 table of import-export trade with France since 1668
A Scheame {sic} of the Trade as it is at prsent carried on Betwee{n} England and France in the Comodities of the Native Product and Manufacture of each Country Calculated Exactly as Possible in Obedience to the Commands of the Rt. Honoble. the Lords Commr for the Treaty of Commerce with France and humbly tendred to their Lordpps being the Intrinsi{c}k value of Goods Exported and Imported to and froom France menconed in fol 5 and 6th of this Booke
By the Acct above your Lordspps may ꝑceive that {illeg}|th|e Linnen and Silke Manufactures onely Imported from France Amount to upwards of 800000li and that the Manufactures of Wooll and Silke Exported from England thither doe not amount to 85000li As alsoe that all the other Comodities of the ꝑduct and Manufacture of France Imports to upwards of 320000li besides an incredible value of Toys Rich Appll Pointlace {illeg} Soe that it is apparent that the Exports of our Native Comodities and Manufactures to France are Less in value by at the least One Million of Pounds Sterling then the Native Comodities and Manufac{illeg}|t|ures of France which wee Receive from thence And if it please yor Lordspps to reflect there upon your Lordspps will easily diserne {sic} the great Prejudise {sic} the English nacon hath sustained and the great advantages the French have and doe dayly make by holding this Treaty in Suspence, This Nacon being upon the matter Excluded trade thither while in the meane time the French enjoy all and as great Advantages as they can reasonably expect by any Treaty