
The late Laws about ye Coynage.


On or before Feb. 1 1695 one or more of ye Lds of Treary to cause all ye clipt money (st{illeg}ing|andar|d or |of| courser {sic} allay) in the exchequer, that of every branch apart, to be told, &|w|eighed, melted into Ingots, assayed & sent{illeg} to ye {illeg}|m|int to be redu{ced} to standard & coyned & paid back to ye Excheqr upon the several changes, deducting only the charges of coynage (not exceeding 14d ꝑ lwt) & melting & refining, & the tale of ye new money paid back upon every branch to be registred that ye Deficiency between that & ye deficien tale of ye clipt money may be known in order to make it good by Parliamt. The Receivers to receive all clipt money (standard or of courser {sic} allay \& not plated or washed over/) by tale till May 4 1696, & ye Tellers in ye Excheqr to receive ye same & also all lo{illeg}|a|nes in ye like money till Iune 4 1696, & one or more of ye Lds of Treasury shall once or oftener e{illeg}|ve|ry 14 days cause it all to be melted down into Ingots ({illeg}|e|very branch apart) assayed & sent to ye Mint by Indenture expressing the \weight &/ fineness of every {illeg}|In|got & ye branch to wch it belongs, to be there coyned & paid back weekly as above, & ye tale registred in ye Excheqr yt ye Deficiency may be known. 7 Gul. I

Such Mints as his Majty shall erect in ye country not being less yn four to be under ye methods & directions {illeg}|p|rescribed in this Act

All unclipt money to be punched through before Feb. 10.

Ki{illeg}|n|gs o|O|fficers injuring any person to make double satisfaction.

In every 100lb there shall be 40 there & 10 in sixpences besides small \money/ {sic} money of 20lb {illeg}|o|n ye Mr & Worker for every offence, one 12 to ye K. ye other 12 to ye Informer

Sixpences not clipt within ye inner ring being sterling, not prohibited currency. 7 Gul. I

A Duty yef|a|rly of 2s on every house + 4s on every house wth 10 windows + 4s on every house wth 20 windows payable \by ye Tenants & occupiers or inhabitants/ for 7 years from Mar 25 1696 hal{illeg}|f| yearly, the 1st pay{illeg}|m|t to {illeg}|b|egin Sept 29 1696. Iustices of Peace Commissrs for ye last 6 years. After Iune 24 \1696/ loans allowed not exceeding 1200000 at 7 per cent for ye 1st moiety & 8 ꝑ cent for ye last & taxfree. All the money so raised upon Loans or otherwise by this Act (excent interest & repaymt of Loanes & Salaries &c) shall be applied to make up ye Deficiency between the clipt & the new money of every branch. 7 & 8 William. pag 419.

Plate Wrought Plate \or other manufactured silver/ imported from May 4 to Novem 4 1696 into any of ye Mints to be there melted down \reduced to standard/ recoyned & repaid standard weight for standard weight \according to ye course of ye Mint/ without any deduction for charge of coynage. T{illeg}|h|e Master to give \Bills of/ receipts denoting the weight fineness {illeg}|&| value thereof wth ye day & order of its delivery into ye Mint And upon producing the Bill to ye Auditor of Excheqr. it shall be entred in ye Receipt of Excheqr & an Order shall be delivered |to| \drawn for paying/ the Importer a reward of 6d ꝑ oz sterling out of such funds as are setled by Parliamt for supplying the deficiencies of clipt monies. Inns Alehouses Taverns Victualling houses prohibited {wrou} wrought Plate (except {spoon}) upon pain of f{illeg}|o|rfeiting the same t{illeg}|o| him that shall sue for it. Presses called in wch may be used in coynage & Presses for coyna{illeg}|g|e prohibited upon pain of forfeiting 500. {illeg} Clipt moneys brought in \before May 4/ upo{illeg}|n| ye hereditary Excise on liquors or ye Excise for life \or {illeg}|R|evenue by ye Post office/ & paya{illeg}|b|le on Tallies in course {sic} & for ye Interest thereof shall be carried by ye Commrs of Excise \& Recr for ye Post Office/ to ye Exche{illeg}|q|r there melted down, recoyned at ye Mint & returned to ye Excheqr (except the charge of melting refining {illeg}|&| coyning) & sent thence to ye Commrs of Excise & Recrs of Post Office to be payd out &c & Accounts of the Deficiency or difference between the clipt moneys <502v> & new moneys to be kept by Commrs of Excise & Recr of {illeg}|P|ost Office to be be {sic} made good at ye publick charge.

Exportation of Bullion & currency of clipt money prohibited

Guineas after Apr 10 1696 at 22s a piec{illeg}|e|

The Master & Worker \{is}/ impowered to imploy others instead of ye Moneyers. 7 & 8 Gul. p. 622.

An oath that the manufactured or\impor{illeg}|t|ed/ wrought Plate was importe manufactured \on or/ before ye 25th of March 1696, & imported wrought plate wch was manufactured afterward to be forfeited to any one that shall sue for it 7 & 8 Gul. p 697.

From Novem 1695 Gold may be {illeg}|a|gain received & coyned in the Mint but not by ye Coyna{illeg}|g|e Duty except for ye African company. One or more Mills or|&| Presses to be set apart for & the courses of & to be kept apart 8 Gul. pag 4.

All hammered money clipt or unclipt, imported from Novem 4 1696 to Iul 1 1697 into any of ye Mints, to be there received by the Mints at ye rate of 5s 4d ꝑ oz Troy. All ye Kings Receivers & Collecters from Nov 14 1696 to Feb 1 {illeg}|en|suing to receive Loane & arrears of aids & Taxes due before Feb. 1 & further to Iune 1 all future Aids Taxes & other Revenues & Duties at 5s 8d ꝑ oz And after Dec 1 no hammered silver to be current but by weight at 5s 2d {illeg}|p|er o{illeg}|z|. Yet moneys received by tale by any Collecte|o|r before Nov. 18 may upon ye Oath of ye Collector be paid to Receiver till Dec 18 & by ye {illeg}|R|eceiver \|( &| (upon his oath)/ into ye Excheqr till Ian 10. And all the hammered money brought into the Excheqr upon any account whatever shall by direction of ye Lords of Treasury be melted down from time to time & sent to ye Mint or Mints to be coyn reduced into sterling & coyned & the new money (except the charge \{illeg}/ of melting & coyning shall be returned into ye Excheqr & placed to ye branches it proceeded from. And all money received in Taxes {illeg}|&| Lones {sic} at 5s 8doz shall be carried to ye next adjacent Mint & there coyned before it be brought into ye Excheqr. |How| The \hammered/ money raised in Herefordshire for making navigable ye Rivers Wye & Lugg too be paid at 5s 8d ꝑ oz to ye Recr Genl & coyned. 8 Gul. 3 pag 3.

A Duty upon Paper \{Pastbawn}/ Vellum & parchment for two years commencing from Mar. 1 1696, \towards paying/ the 5s 4d ꝑ oz \(allowed for the former Act)/ for hammered moneys & making good the Deficiencies of Loanes \in {the}/ in hammered money recoi\occasioned/ {illeg}|by| recoyned|in||g| thereof & for paying the allowance for wrought plate & for{illeg} bearing the wast & charges of \(receiving melting refining &)/ coyning {th{illeg}|e|} said hammered money & plate. Moneys not exceed 125000 may be lent upon this Act at 8 ꝑ cent. The Master & Worker in receiving hammered money at 5s 4d per ounce shall separate & cut in pieces all base & counterfeit monies & return such pieces to the bringers thereof & weigh the residue & compute the same at 5s 4d ꝑ oz & the proper Officers & Clerks of ye Mint shall enter the same in Day books according to the cou{illeg}|ur|se of the mint, specifying the names of the Importers, the \date or/ times of Importation, the weight & quantity imported & the amout {sic} thereof at ye said rate of 5s 4d ꝑ oz, & the Master & Worker shall <503r> a receipt thereof specifying all the said particulars, & {illeg}|o|ut of the money arising by this Act shall defray the necessary charges of receiving, melting down, refining & recoyning {illeg}|t|he said hammered monies so imported at 5s 4d ꝑ ounce & ye wast incident thereunto & also pay back in new money {illeg} 5s 4d ꝑ ounce in due course of the Mint

And in like manner the Mr & Worker is to receive of the Kings receivers the hammered silver monies of the Taxes or Revenues, to separate & cut in pieces all base or counterfeit monies & return such monies to ye bringers thereof & weigh the rest & compute it at 5s 8d per ounce & enter it in |Day| books according to ye cou{illeg}|rs|e of the Mint specifying the names of the respecti{illeg}|v|e Receivers bringing the same & the day or time of its importation & ye weight & quantity & amount thereof at 5s 8d per ounce & the Revenue or Tax to wch it belongs & to give the Receiv Importer a Receipt thereof specifying all the aforesaid particulars, & to cause the same to be melted assayed & reduced to standard & the standard weight thereof entred in books, & the same \standard weight/ to be recoyned & \all the new moneys proceeding from ye said silver to be/ paid back except e{illeg}|x|cept {sic} the necessary charges of receiving melting down refining & coyning the same & the wast thereunto incident, unto the respective Importers who in their accounts to ye King shall be allowed the deficien{illeg}|c|y occasioned by recoyning the same, that is to say the Difference between the summ of ye hammered money brought into the Mint \computed/ at 5s 8d per ounce & the summ in tail of the new mon{illeg}|ey| from received back from the Mint.

Vndue preference {how} punished

The Master & Worker may use the Melting house in Westminster

Inferior collectors to pay their money to their respective Receivers generall to be carried into ye next adjacent Mint

If more money then 125000 arise by this Act the surplus to be kept in the Excheqr to be disposed of by Act of Parliamt. 8 & 9 Gul. p. 143.


Extracts out of the acts of Part relating to the great recoinage

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