'Of Credit good & bad, and of the usefulness of the former' (changed from 'Of Credit good & counterfeit, & of the usefulness of the first & danger of the last')
3Of Credit good & counterfeit\bad/, & of the usefulness of the first & danger of the last. former.
[1]Mr P, \(sect 26)/ tells us that the allowing of paper to pass as money must have ({illeg}|&| we have found by experience it has had) ye same effect as ye permission of two sorts of coyn one false & little worth little & the other time & valuable. Here he calls\compares/ all paper credit to false money & a little after \(sect 27)/ he adds that paper when it passes for money is |as| a false coyne. I answer that there are two sorts of {illeg}|pa|per credit, the one good upon the other counterfeit, the first upon good security, the other {illeg} upon more upo credit with it. \without it./\|one| good or\the others/ bad. The good is upon g{illeg}|o|od security & may be compared to good money/ The first \is good &/ may most\most/ properly be called {illeg}{illeg}d circulatin|y|g security the other was {illeg} counterfeit \the {sic} bad is upon bad security or without any s{illeg}|ecuri|ty at all {take}\{illeg}|secur|ity/ & may be compared to counterfeit money. {sic}/. The first I defend, the other Mr P. opposes. For credit ing \{illeg} paper credit or to {speak} more {pap}/ \Tis opinion that/paper\/ security if it be god|o|d is \{not}/ of ye same intrinsic value with \good/ money. If security upon a Bond or Mortgage or Bill of Exchange or a Bank Bill &c be good, its as good as money. For otherwise no man would part wth his money upon such security. Good security is a phrase for wch signifies security of ye same value with money. For otherwise men would not part with their mo So long as we beleive {sic} it good so long we are content with it in l{illeg}|ieu| of or mo{illeg}|ne|y & when we {illeg}|be|gin to suspect its goodness we call it or money & give\return it for/ {illeg}|take| in or money & return back ye security. Tis mere opinion that sets a value upon money we value it because \with it/ we can have\purchase/ all sorts of commodities for it & the same opinion sets \a/ like intrinsic value upon circulating\paper/ security. \For/ We value it because with |it| we ca{illeg}|n| purchase all sorts of commodities & money too. All the difference is that the value of gold & silver is set upon their \internal/ substance or matter \& therefore called intrinsic/ & that \the value/ of circulating security\of paper credit security/ upon {illeg}|th|e \apparent/ form \of the writing & therefore called extrinsic/ & that ye value of ye former is more universal then that of ye latter. But if Gold & Silver be preferable \to credit their\paper circulating paper/ security/ for their \more/ universal value \& circulation/ then {illeg}|fo|r ye same reason \good/ circulating security is preferable to Bonds & Mortgages \wch have no circulation. For by circulating|ion| they are\it/ \paper security is/ rendred more usefull. {sic}/. One sort of {illeg} paper credit are Bills of exchange. These are so necessary to Trade {illeg}|th|at without them Trade could not {illeg}|be| carried on, & their use consists in paying of debts wthout \the trouble hazzard & tediousness of/ sending of money from nation to nation {illeg} place to place. The like is done by Bank Bills Exchequer Bills & other sorts of \good/ paper credit. And this makes such dispatch in business as enlarges Trade exceedingly, as is very plane {sic} by ye great strop put to business & trade at prsent\which the/ by ye sinking of paper credit {illeg} a month ago. last Ianuary\{illeg} this winter {illeg} put {illeg}|to| business & trade/. Nor {of} is this desired by Mr P. [2] But he \Mr P./ tell us that we cannot be certain that plenty of coyn will be obteined by a large trade for unless trade be good as well as great it may happen with a nation as with particular men that are often undone by enlarging their trades too far. I answer that {illeg} The objection lies against Trade as well as against credit & not against either but against the excess of both.|,| If & \so/ makes as much against virtue as against paper credit because the virtue it self by running into extremes become vice If the too much credit & trade by unsafe let us use the have them in a moderate degree.
But he adds thos|at|e the increasing of or trade by more paper will have a natural tendency to enlarge those trades that are carried on by the exportation of or coyn or Bullion, but how it can or will encourage any trade, that will bring in Bullion (wch are ye trades that are gro{illeg}|u|nded upon ye la{illeg}|b|our of or people) should be made out before we make any addition to ye paper credit we have.
[3] Mr P. allows that paper credit may be used sometimes as a cordial \in cases of necessity/ but not as constant food & instances reccons the {illeg} first Excheqr Bills issued out in ye late warr to be of this kind & yt it may be convenient \upon pressing occasions/ to make us of ye same method thereafter provided such Bills be issued out upon some {illeg}|f|und & not for more then ye tax may yeild {sic} & be paid off when ye money comes in. For, s{illeg}|ai|th |he,| the danger of using paper as money does not arise from ye immediate use of the paper but from ye misapplication of yt deposit & there for that reason he advises that as such paper cannot be discharged finally discharged but by payment of money so coyn so care should be taken to preserve coyn in ye nation for that pi{illeg}|u|r{illeg}|p|ose. He saith also that {illeg}|a|s such a way of giving a supply to the nation publick may be convenient in cases of necessity so it may be necessary to have a Bank in ye City for ye keeping of money & ye ease of making payment by assignmt, but in no case to allow of Notes & Bills to pass as money unless a p|d|eposit{um} be secured. And By all this he allows paper credit so far as\wherever/ ye security is good, & so far thus f so far we are {illeg}|a|greed.\I agree with him./ But then he \seems to/ doubts w{illeg}|he|th{s}|e|r any {illeg}|pap|er credit \{illeg}/ be upon good {illeg} security except {illeg} where the|re| {depositum} is a book in ye City {illeg}|o|r We are also agreed\I agree wth him also that where {sic}/ that where there is no deposition or ye deposition is in danger of being withdrawn the security is not go bad & the paper credit to be condemned\unsafe. {sic} \& such paper credit (not good circulating security) I would compare to counterfeit// money & say that it may be used sometimes used as a cordial ins cases of necessity (like the brass money of K. Iames in Ireland) &|b|ut is not to be used as constant good. And {of} such bad security \This sort of Credit Paper credit/ Mr P. seems to understand when he compares it to counterfeit money & says that it is to be used only as a cordial. Thus far there For he speaks of credit where the deposit is in danger of being withdrawn.
So then the dispute against Paper Credit in general is at an end & the Question wch rem{illeg}|a|ins is only about the goodness of the security of the safety of the Deposit on wch this or that sort of Paper credit is ground{illeg}ed.
Credit upon a standing Bank if equal value is allowed to be good
And Credit upon land security is as good
And so is credit upon Parliamentary funds so long as the Government lasts & there is but money enough \of our own/ to pay Taxes. Of this kind are Excheqr bills, Bank of England Bills, Mault Tickets, Million Lottery Tickets, Annuity Tickets &c |{And}|But| this security is weakend|e|d by the stocks of Forreigners in those funds. Five millions \of money by circulating/ will pay a debt of 20 millions to or own people, but it will not pay a debt of six millions to Forreigners. Their money is no safe depositum|
The credit of particular Merchants is m{illeg}|o|re apt to fail {illeg}|th||en| |yt of parliamt| /unless in {Barrs}\ \&/ yet must be tenderly dealt with because of the life of their trade
But Mr P represents &c
And so the Question wch remains is only about yt security \the goodness of {sic} paper {on} the several sorts of/ of paper credit on yt several so{illeg}|r|ts of security.
Credit upon a standing Bank of equal value is allowed to be good.
And Credit upon land security is as good.
And so is credit upon Parliamentary funds so long as yt Government lasts & there is but money enough to pay Taxes. |Of this kind are| /excheqrBills, Bank \of England/ Bills, Mault Tickets, Million lottery Tickets, Annuity Tickets &c\ |†| † The credit of particular merchants is more apt to f{illeg}|ai|l & yet must be tenderly dealt with because the life of their trade.
But Mr P. represents &c
< text from f 631v resumes >But Mr. P represents that Paper credit encourages only those trades wch export or money & when ye money is gone wch should I credit, \& by doing {yt} {illeg}\circulating it/ \instead/ of money sets money at liberty to be exported & when the money/ is gone the credit sinks for want of a depositum. I answer that {illeg} paper credit by making great dispatch in business promotes all trades as well good as bad \as in manifest by {illeg}|t|h{illeg}|e|{illeg} stop put to trades this/ winter by ye want of it, {sic} ; that it promotes ye {illeg} {illeg} bad trades \most/ (that is such as export or money) only by promoting luxury in forreign commodities & p{illeg} if that luxury be checkt (as it may be wthout destroying trade\credit/) ye Objection ceases, & its better to check luxury then trade\credit/) wch is the life of trade; {illeg}|&| that Cred Cred paper credit that\& ye coynage Act/ in ye two last reigns notwithstanding this luxury we got brought in much more gold & silver to ye Mint \by trade/ then ever came in before, that by trade alone\was brought in by trade \alone/ before/ {illeg}|&| {illeg}|that| {if} {illeg} \as ye strongest poisons rightly used b duly prepared & applied become the {illeg}|b|est medicines so/ {illeg}|tho|se trades wch \we/ no complain of for exporting or money, if we can but check our own {illeg}|l|uxury in forreign commodities, may \like the strongest poisons in {illeg}|m|edicine/ become the most beneficial to us of any o{illeg}|t|hers by furnishing or neighbours wth those commodities to drain away their money; but if we {illeg}|p|art with paper credit to check those \hurtful/ trades, we check all forreign trade in general & leave the hurtfull trades to or neighbours who when ever we will make us pay dearer for those forreign commodities then or own merchants do, so that we shall never be able to grow rich hereafter.
I recommended credit for lowering Interest, \this {illeg}/because\ low interest is/ to ye advantage of trade \& business/: Mr P. replies that ye argumt may be as good for \limiting the rates of/ letting land because the cheapness of provisions may as much encourage trade as the cheapness of provisions. I answer that if provisions be cheap & other commodities dear the husband\landed/ man will \soon/ be beggared. Care must be taken of |or| land & native product as well as of \or/ trade & paper credit is good for both. {illeg}|B|y lowering interest it raises the price of land & furnishes all the busy part of the nation \({illeg}|th|us ba{illeg}dmen Grasiers {illeg}|{Artificers}| Shopkeepers, Merchants)/ with money at easy rates to carry on their several imployments & is good for every body {illeg}|b|ut the{illeg} \idle/ {illeg}|V|surer & them that \cannot/ live \but/ upon \ye/ interest of \their/ money. |It may prejudice Orphans who are to live upon| /the interest of their mone portions, but its good for ye whole \nation in general/ & may enable father to provide better for their children & ye publick is most to be regarded.\
The Question about paper credit must no is comparative. The arguments against it must not be considered alone but compared wth ye ar{illeg}|g|umts for it & judgmt given on ye weightier side.
<632v>p. 10 {illeg} l. 20 —\to/ p. 12 l 23 against ye circulation of credit.
p 12 l 23 — p 16 l. 2 against more credit.
p 16 l 2 — p 17 l 27 What credit allowable & how long o {sic}
p 17 l 27 p 19 l 9 Care to taken against exporting or coyn.
part. There might be a third or 4th part fit for culling but all Imported|r|s did not cull & th among ye Guineas of K. Ch. & K. Ia. there are \still/ many weighty {illeg}\of/ full weight notwithstanding the wearing. If I should allow {illeg}|a| fift part to be culled out & recoyned there would remain 7121952li|.|{illeg} 15s. 06d. To wch add the Guineas coyned from Decemb 31 1699 {illeg}|to| amounting to \ / & the Lewid'ors & Spanish Pistoles wch are now recconed at a million & an half & the whole gold coyn will be above 8800000li Of wch if we should suppose a|n| quarter of a million \hundred thousand pound/ to have been \exported &/ melted down \at home &/ abroad/abroad\ there would\will/ \in Holland & France there will/ remain above 8 millions \in ye nation/ besides broad gold. in the nation besides I broad gold & if we I say but 8 millions \as we|I| did my former paper/ there will remain \a wast of above/ 300000li to answer s{illeg}|m|all objections.
[4]{illeg} If any gold hath been bought wth \the/ clippings of silver \monies/ melted down into Ingotts & exported, that 'tis allowed for \in my former paper/ 5 millions {illeg} wast of ye silver monies
[5]And if any gol the like is to be said of gold brought in by Forreiners {sic} to get by loans upon publick funds &c. For since ye year 17|6|94 we have paid or debts {illeg} deb forreign debts in any thing but gold. And if any such\such/ debts \wch now/ remain unpaid, they are not to be received {illeg} in ye b considered in recconing |ye| what m quantity of monies now in ye nation, but must be referred\allow/ to|\accounted for in/| ye ballance of trade wch at prsent is on or side.
Mr P. affirms that
All wch being considered I do not see but that ye recconings I set down in my former paper come neare ye truth {illeg}|vi|zt that o|i|n ye year 1689 when we were richest we had or silver monies we had {ab}out 12 millions of\in/ silver monies (not in tale but standard value) ,|&| about 5 millions in Guineas \& Pistoles/, in all 18 millions besides b broad gold. And in Decem ye year 1700 we had about 7 millions of\in/ silver monies milled & hammered & about 8 million of in Guineas & Pisto{illeg}|l|es besides broad Gold \& the Guineas coyned 1700, {sic}/, In {illeg}|a|ll |we had| about 15 millions \which is about 2 millions less then before. {sic}/. In making this estimate I do not pretend to be exact. I have used the best of my judgment Where I could meet with exact recconings I foll{illeg}|un|d them & in ye rest I used the best of my judgment. Where I have erred I desire to be convinced by stricter ways of recconing then those wch I have followed used. For the pro Mr P having undertaken to write against Paper credit the proof lies on his side & am ready to submit not to stricter ways of recconing then my own.
All wch is as much as to say that paper may be lower interest but is not a natural way of doing it because it tends to enlarge the bad trades w{illeg}|ch| export or money & when y{illeg}|e| money is gone the want of it will advance ye rates of Interest.
[1] p. 13
[2] p 13
[3] p 16
[4] p 5
[5] p. 5, 6