Variant and apparently earlier holograph draft of MINT00281 (Mint 19/2/78-9): the note 'writt in 1701' has been added in another hand, though it seems likely this is a mistake
May it pl. yor Lop
According to yor Lops direction we have drawn up an acct hereunto annexed of the {illeg} weight assay & value of \dives/ forreign coyns. And we have also \in another annexed paper we have also/ compared the values set upon gold in several nations so far as at present we have been able to get intelligence. By that\which/ acct your Lordp w{illeg} it seems to us that gold is valued higher in Eng{illeg}|l|and then in Holland & France by about 6d 7d or 8d in a Guinea & that in Spain Italy & the north (so far as we can yet informe orselves) it is valued much \lower then in England/ after the rate as in France.
Were the melting down of forreign monies \& bullion/ for exportation prohibited in private shops, & licensed only in the Mint it would give us opportunity of knowing more exactly & more generally the intrinsic values of forreign cons of several nations & the prizes of gold in the markets abroad \from time to time/ & how trade goes wth respect to gold & silver & prevent the it would\might/ also prevent the melting down of or money in private for exportation.
In comparing
Exchangers reccon 1lib sterling at a par wth {illeg} 444 styvers Dutch styvers wch recconing is grownded on a supposition that a Patagon or Dutch Rixdoller wch is 2 {illeg}|5|0 styvers equals in value 54 pence {illeg}|E|nglish a Rixdollar of ye Empire or Ecu of France or spanish Piastre wch is \worth/ 4s 6d of or money w{illeg}|h|ereas a Patagon is worth but 4s 4d. And tho we are told {illeg}|t|hat a Patagon in this recconing is Bank paper money wch is 3, 4 or 5 pr cent better then \{their} their/ specie money, yet the putting a par {illeg}|b|etween or specie money & their paper money seems improper & may make the exchange more liable to tricking then if the Par were \put/ between specie money & specie moeny, as it ought to be. For {illeg} between specie money wch has\is of/ a certian intrin{illeg}|s|ic value & paper money wch is \of no intrinsic value &/ of \no intrinsic va/ an uncertain extrinsic value without any \|& has of no| intrinsic value/ intrinsic value there can be no par {illeg} assigned.
The coynage of
{illeg}\The {illeg}/ Gold in \China Iapan &/ the East Indies is at a much lower value then in Europe b{illeg}|eing| in China & Iapan but about 9 or 10 times of more value then the same\its/ weight of silver whereas here it is above 15 times th{en}|e| |value.|of its weight of silver\of silver/. {sic} Which is the reason why the Merchants carry silver to the East Indies & China & leave ye gold at home, & that of late years \as the trade of India has increased/ there has bee{illeg}|n| much more|less| gold\silver/ coyned in pr{illeg}|o|portion to silver\Gold/ then formerly. In the first twelve years after the enact{illeg} Act for encouragement of coynage there was coyned \more silver then Gold vizt/ 1669826li 8s 3d in Gold & 1896338l. 10s. 8d in silver In the next ten years there was coyned much \above three times/ more gold then silver vizt 4363776li. 4. 10 in gold & 1337730li. 5. 9 in silver. In the last 13 years there {illeg}|h|as \bin/ coyned out of forreign Bullion above|ut| 3|1|5 times more gold monies then silver monies. And this in|de|crease of gold money\the coynage of silver/ in proportion to silver \that of gold/ & the decrease of the silver {much} exportation \decrease also/ of silver monies|ey| \by melting it down for exportation/ while the gold stays with us tends to |[|bring down the price of gold monies \by its plentifulness/ in proportion to that of silver|]| raise the value of silver monies by its scarceness in p{illeg}|r|oportion to ye gold. Which is a further argument for lowering the price of Guineas|.| in respect of silver. For ye more plentiful gold {grows as} in\grows/ in respect of silver the more apt its p{illeg}|r|ice will be to fall.
Laws against exporting money are seldom effect{illeg} may sometimes do go may upon some extraordinary occasions do some good but usually do more hurt. The\Such/ Laws cannot hinder money from getting abroad to answer where it is wanted to ballance trade: but on the contrary they hinder it|\Bullion/| from flowing freely into the Market of England & from ye Market into the Mint for increasing the coyn. For ye more Bullion\Gold & Silver/ flows through into through the Market \of England/ & the Mint the more will stick among us. The best way of preserving & encreasing the coyn is to take care of ye ballance of trade & encourage the flowing of gold & silver through the Market & Mint of England.
Trade is ballanced by \promoting the/ exporting \of/ our own pro\native own/ product & manufactur \as / & checking luxury in forreign commodities especially from countries wch must be paid in money. The old East India company was obliged to export yearly {manu} our\English/ manu{illeg}|f|actures to ye value of 100000li. Were the prsent company obliged to export our|Eng|lish commodities not of a certain value yearly but of a certain value in proportion to ye silver they exp{illeg}|o|rt & care taken to make them do it: it might\would/ put them upon finding out new ways of vending our commodities whereby much money would in the for answer the price o{illeg}|f| Indian goods.
Were The prohibiting the exportation of Bullion\money/ & licensing that of forreign Bullion has a very raises the price of Bullion above that of money wch is of very ill consequence. T|I|f would be much better on the contrary to prohibit the exportation of money Bullion & licence that of money. For this would set the price of money above that of {illeg}|bu|llion as it ought to be, & increase the coyn \bringing \much/ silver through ye Mint &/ by ye new coynd money running amongst us till exportation & be of honour to ye nation by the circulating\passing/ of or money {above} in|to| forreign countries. |For or money being of {illeg}|b|etter standarded & better coyned then| /pieces of eight would in {illeg} time be of more credit abroad then pieces of 8 & {illeg}make us appear more rich & potent then we for at present\
And some of these effects would be had by licensing the Merchat|n|ts to coyn out of f export so much money only as they coyn out of forreign Bullion|.|t|hey paying \for/ the coynage upon shipping it for exportation|
If any alteration were to be made in the standard we would propose to have the silver 11 ounces fine as the gold is & {illeg}|as| both gold & silver are in France \& Spain & the/ & the pound weight be do cut into 61s 6d, that the value of ye coyn may remain ye same. For \the silver would weare something better &/ in valuing or money in Forreign countries the \old/ 2dwt is apt to be neglected
And it may be considered whether i{illeg}|t| would not be of some advantage to us to coyn Rix dollers {illeg}\some/ pieces of the same value & name with Rix Dollers Ecus or Pistoles for the advantage of travellers who are sometimes abroad con{illeg}|st|rained to putt off or crowns at ye same value wth forreign crowns {illeg}\or/ Dollers {&} for want for {illeg}{s} 6d pieces crowns or Dollers of the same value with th{illeg}|o||se| {for} wch are current in other countries/abroad\
<75r>Silver pence & two pences as so small as easily to be lost & {sewe} for little else then curiosities& toys for ch for children to play with & if they be in use they quickly weare away. {illeg}|I|t may be considered therefore whether it would not be better to coyn copper pence in their stead. And to make the {Groat} three pences groats & so six pences \a little/ narrower & thicket that they may wear longer
[2][1] writt in 1701.
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