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Gold moneys unworn Assay Weight Standard
dwtgr dwtgrmi sd
The old Lewid'or W.0.12 4.8+1 4.7.8 17.2{illeg}|1|
The half & quarter in proportion W.0.12 5|2|.412 2.3.14 8.705
The new Lewi'dor W.0.12 5.525 5.3.18 20.64
The half & quarter in proportion W.0.12 2.2710 2.13.19 10.32
The old Spanish Pistole \double/ {illeg}|Do|u{illeg}|b|lon W.0.12 16|7|.8 17.5.12 68.86
The old Spanish dob|u|ble Pistole W.0.12 8.16+2 8.14.16 34.43
The old Spanish Pistole W.0.12 4.8+1 4.7.8 17.21
The new Sevil double Pistole W.0. 8.1613
The {illeg}|n|ew Sevil Pistole 4.816
The half & quarter in proportion
The \Doppia Moeda or/ double Moeda of Portugal |new coyned| W.0.12 1|6|.22 6.21.12 27.61
|The Doppia Mœda as they come into England| |W.||0.||14| |6.||2112|34|| |6.||21.||7| |27.||512|
The Moeda of Portugal W.0.12 {illeg}|3|.22|11| 3.10.{illeg}|1|6 13.9
The Hungary Ducat half Moeda B|W|.{1}|0|.2|14| {illeg}|1|.1712 1.17.8 6.1012
The Hungary Ducat B.1.2 2.523 2.9.7 9.63
The Ducat of Holland (coyned at Legem Imperij) B.1.2 2.512 2.9.3 9.59
The Ducat of Campen in Holland B.1.2 2.512 2.{illeg}|9|.3 9.59
The Ducat of the Bishop of Bameberg B.1.2 2.512 2.9.3 9.59
The double Ducat of the Duke of Hannover B.1.2 4.1012 2|4|.17.{9}|7| 18.10
The Ducat of the Duke of Hanover B.1.2 2.514 2.8.1{9}|8| 9.54
The Ducat of Brandenburg B.1.2 2.512 2.9.3 9.59
The Ducat of Sweden B.1.2 2.512 2.9.3 9.59
The Ducat of Danemark B.1.2 2.512 2.9.{illeg}|3| 9.59
The Ducat of Poland B.1.2 2.5 2.{9}|8|.{illeg}\12/ 9.48
The Ducat {illeg}|o|f Transylvania B.1.2 2.434 2.7.2|6|{illeg} 9.22
The s|S|equin Chequin or Zacheen of Venice B.1.2 2.534 2.10.7 9.85
[1]The old Italian Pistole W.0.14 {illeg}|4|.634 4.6.{illeg}|11| {illeg}|1|7.04
The double Pistole of Pope Vrban 1634 W.0.14 8.1412
The 12 Pistole of Innocent XI 1685 W.0.14 2.{illeg}|4|
The\A/ double Pistole of Placentia 8.10
A double Pistole of Genoa 1621 W.0.14 8.16
A double Pistole of Millain W.0.14 7|8|.1312
A single Pistole of Millain W.0.14 4.614
A Pistole of Savoy |1675| W.0.14 4.812
Double Ducats of Castile, Genoa, Portugal Florence Hungary Venice } B.1.212 4.11
Single Ducats of the same places B.1.212 2.512
Double Ducats of several formes in Germany B.1.1 4.11
Single Ducats of the same places B.1.1 2.512
Double ducats of Genoua|a| |{illeg}|&| Besason| B.1.2 2|4|.512|11| 4.18.6 18.118
Single Ducats of Genoa & Besanon & Zurich B.1.2 2.512 2.9.3 9.59
Pistoles of Rome, Millain, Venise, Florence Savoy, Genoa, Orange, Trevou, Besanson } W.0.014 4.6 4.5.17 16.1105
A Barbary Ducat with Arabic {illeg} letters on both sides in square Tablets without any effigies or escutheon W.{illeg}|2|.{2}|1|12 2.1614 2.{illeg}|9|.{illeg}|6| 9.62

[1] ?

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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