
Our will & pleasure is & we do hereby authorize & command yo{u} & every of you that in the coynage of such gold & silver as shall be imported into or Mint ad|t| E{illeg}|di|nborough you observe & act under the Rules of Coynage {illeg} \wch respect your several Offices & are/ conteined & expressed in the Copy \hereunto annexed/ of the Indenture made by wth Sr Isaac Newton {illeg} {Knt} Es Master of Our Mint in the Tower & hereunto annexed\of London/ \or shall be conteined in \an attested Copy of/ the Indenture made wth the Master of or said Mint for the time \being// and particularly that you                              Master of or \said/ Mint at Edinburgh do coyn the said gold & silver into the sevespecral species of money therein named & {illeg} \mentioned making every species/ of the weight & finenes \& within the remedy/ therin set down, & that you         Drummond |E/s\|Master & Worker & you & Warden &                  Counterwarden of the said Mint do survey & chec the se{illeg} survey & che the proceedings of {illeg}|a|ll the rest of the\other/ Officers of or said Mint see that \all/ the moenys be well & duly coyned according to the said Rules & that \the weight be {illeg}|kept|{illeg} {illeg} {illeg}|to| the standard weights {illeg}|w|ch you shall receive from the Warden of ye|O|r Mint in/ |the Tower & yt| the several {farces} of money be not light then the|ir| counterpoised|s| exprest in & that an exact acct be kept of all the Dies & Puncheons to that all the Dyes worn out may be d from time to time \demanded of the Graver &/ defaced in yor presence. And for so this shall be yor Warrt.

To the General, Warden, Master, Counter-Warden
Assay-master & other Officers of or Mint at

Our will & pleasure is & we do {illeg}|h|e{illeg}|reb|y authorise \& require/ you to coyne the silver imported into or Mint at Edingburgh {illeg} into Crowns hal \into crowns half crowns shillings & sixpences/ wth such\the/ Dyes wch shall be sent you from or Mint in the Tower of London or wth such Dyes as shall be made by Puncheons set \to/ you from thence, that the \said/ moneyes coyned in your\our/ Mint \at E/ may be perfectly like that|os||e| coyned in or Mint in ye Tower of London except the letter E set under or Effigies for distinguishing the {illeg}|m|oneys coyned in the said t{illeg}|w|o Mints. \And we do further/ And we do further authorize you to command the Graver of or said Mint at Edinburgh to make Dyes & puncheons for coyning the said species of silver moneys so soon as his work shall be approved by you for {coyning} the said moneys perfectly like that coyned in the Tower of London. And we do \to clean & polish ye Dies sent from ye Tower \in due manner till they become unserviceable/ & t{illeg}|o| make new\new/ Dies wth the P. sent from the Tower & to make{s} \{illeg}/ new Puncheons & use them for making of Dyes new Dyes so soon as his work shall be approved by \you & by the {sic}/ the General, Warden, Master & Couterwarden {sic} at Edinbu of our said Mint at Edinburgh for making\coyning/ the moneys coyned in that out Mint perfectly like the moneys coyned in our Mint {illeg}in the Tower of London. And we do further {sic}/ further require you to coyn \at least/ one {illeg} tenth part of the standard silver into sixpences four tenth parts into shillings, three tenth{illeg}|s| into half crows|n| {sic}, & the rest into crown pieces. And for so doing this shall be yor Warrt

To              Es master of or Mint
  at Edinbourgh.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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