
To the Rt Honble the Earle of Godolphin Lord High Treasurer.

May it please yor Lordp

In obedience to yor Lordps directions about setting on foot the coynage\verbal\verbal/ order on saturday last that we should lay before \yor Lop// /what we think\we think/ proper to be done |for setting on foot ye coynage|\ in the Mint at Edinburgh with all convenient speed \& for trying the Pix of that Mint/ {or} opinion \we humbly lay before yor Lordp /{illeg} of the\ |Committee| of Council that the Pix be tried {illeg} {Ed} before the \her Mats/ Council of Scotland: we were humbly of Opinion that in {sic}/ that in conformity to the Act of Vnion there be made by a Iury of Goldsmiths \we conceive there should be made/ seven indented Trial pieces of crown gold & seven of standard silver; two of each metal to be kept in the two Treasuries to try the Pixes of the two Mints; two of each for the Wardens of the two Mints to try the Moneys before delivery & to decide questions between the Master and Importer about the fineness of the bullion; two of each for the Masters of the two Mints to make the money by, & one of each for the Wardens & Company of Goldsmiths to try their plate & manufactures of gold & silver: and th{illeg}|at| a Pile of standard Troy weights be made by the Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer for the Treasury in Scotland, & two other Piles by the Warden of this Mint in the presence of the other Officers in such manner that the {illeg}|s|mall weights keep proportion wth the greater as the Indenture of the Mint directs: and that all these Piles be printed like the weights sent to the {illeg} Corporations & one of {illeg}|th|e \two/ Piles delivered to yor Lordps order for the \use of the/ Mint in Scotland.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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