Holograph memorandum on Edinburgh trial plates and pyx trial
|For recoining the moneys of Scotland in her Majties Mint at Edinborough,| An order of her Maty or Council \is humbly/ desired, that six new standard Trial pieces be made of gold & six of silver & delivered according to her Majties direction; vizt {illeg}|S|uppose one of each metal to be kept in the Treasury by the Deputy Chamberlains of ye Exchequer, to try te moneys of gold & silver from time to time coyned in both Mints, in fineness thereby,|.| o|O|ne of each metal to be delivered to the Warden of her Majts Mint in ye Tower of London to try the moneys of gold & silver from time to time coyned in the said Mint in fineness thereby, as also to try the gold & silver Bullion brought thither if any difference shall arise happen to arise between the Master & Worker & the bringers in of the same. The like to the said Master & Worker to make the said moneys in fineness thereby. The like to the Wardens of ye Company of Goldsmiths within the city of London in Goldsmiths Hall for Trial of their Plate & other works as well of gold as of silver in fineness thereby. The like to the General & Warden of her Majts Mint at Edinborough to try the moneys of gold & silver at Edinburgh from time to time coyned in the said Mint in fineness thereby, as also to try the gold & silver d|b|ullion brought thither if any difference shall arise between the Maste{illeg}|r| of ye said Mint & bringers in of the same. And the like to the said General & Master of the said Mint at Edinborough to make the said moneys in fineness thereby.
The two Trial pieces for {illeg}|S|{illeg}cotland, were heretofore delivered the one to the Treasury of Scotland to try their moneys, the other to the General & Officers of that Mint to make the same. But it seems conformable to the Act of Vnion that the Moneys of both Mints be henceforward tried before the Queen & Council after one & the same manner by a Iury of Goldsmiths & by the standards of great Britain kept in the Exchequer, & that they be made & examined in both Mints alike by two Trial pieces kept, the one by the Master for making the moneys, {illeg}|&| the other by ye Warden for trying them before delivery & for deciding controversies bet{illeg}|ween| the Master & the Importer, as is done in the Tower |And therefore it is most humbly proposed that the Trial piece formerly sent to ye Treasury \in Scotland/ be now sent to Mint their Mint f{illeg}|o|r ye use of the Warden.|