On the need to supply the Edinburgh Mint with trial plates, weights, dies and Mint marks
May it please yor Lop
My Ld
Speaking yesterday wth my Ld Chancell{illeg}|o|ur of Scotland about that\the/ Mint \at Edinborough/, his Lop was of opinion\second/ prop {illeg} proposed to us {illeg}|to| lay before yor Lop a memorial about\concerning/ some things wch his Lop thought might be proper to be considered by the committee of Coucil {sic} wch is to sit to morrow upon ye affairs of Scotland. His Lordp seems of thinks that the Pix of that Mint may be still tried before {illeg}|he|r Majties Council in Sco in Scotland \as formerly/ & if so we are humbly of opinion that {thre} \in full conformity to the Act of Vnion/ there {illeg}\may \be/ made seven/ Trial pieces of Crown gold & three\seven/ of standard silver sent into Scotland {illeg}|two| of each metal for the Exchequer to coyn the money{illeg} {illeg}|four| \the two each Treasuries to try {illeg} {illeg} the Pixes two/ of each for the Mints of of as it\two/ Wardens of the two Mints to {illeg} try the moneys before delivery\& to decide controversies between the Master & Importer/, two of ea{illeg}|c|h for ye Masters of each Mint to make the moneys by & one of each for the Wardens & Company of Goldsmith|s| \in London/ {illeg}|to| m{illeg} try their \plate &/ manufactures of gold & silver. But if the Pix of the Mint at Edinburgh be tried It may be also convenient |[|b|B|ut if the Pix \And {far} {illeg}/ of that Mint be tried by the {illeg}|s|tandards kept in ye exchequer at Westminster, six trial pieces \of each metal/ will be sufficient|]|.
It will be also convenient that a Pile of st weights be made for ye Trea. in Scotland {illeg}|by| the \Deputy/ Chamberlains of ye Excheqr
The Gravers are making shillings Puncheons for \wth ye arms of gt Br. wch may be sent/ |to| the Mint at Edinborough: And while they are coyning shillings, there will\may/ be puncheons made for other money. We beleive {sic} it may be sufficient to send them Puncheons {&}\wth/ two or three pair {sic} of Dyes of every sort for patterns. For distinguishing the money coyned at Edinburgh from that coyned in London there may be {illeg}|the| {illeg} {illeg}|l|etter E \{or {illeg}}/ set upon under her Majties Effigies.
If it be thought fit there may be somedues of the old form sent them for coyning sixpences & shillings wth untill Puncheons of ye new form can be made, wch I \we/ hope will be in a fortnight or three weeks.
In the late recoynage of the hammered money in England {illeg}|i|n every hundred pounds there were ten pounds coyned in sixpences |&| 40 pounds in shillings, & the Officers\Master/ of the Mint at Edinborough may be obliged \{illeg}/ to keep the same proportions during the recoinage in that Mint.
The Pile of Standard weights may be to be made\wch should be delivered \at the Tower {illeg}|b|y ye W./ to ye General/ {illeg}|o|f{illeg} ye Mint in Scotland to be carried into that Mint/Scotland\ \{illeg}|b|y Bill indented under their hands of the Warden & General/, may in the absence of the General be delivered to yor Lordps order to be conv{illeg}|e|yed \or sent/ {illeg}|to| that Mint, the same being first marked\printed/ with a Rose & Thistle growing upon one \common/ stalk & pr{illeg} crowned wth one common crown, And the Date being stamped upon it.