Petition for recovery of income lost and expenses incurred through the reorganisation of the Edinburgh Mint
Edenbrough Septr 9th 1707
Honoured Sr.
I am much at a stand what to think or say concerning my Office of Engraver and Sinker to the Mint at Edenbrough for which I have a gift during life: Formerly when ye Punshion's were made by Mr. Rotiers our Master worker had 250lib allowed to him to get yem made and he bargained with ye Rotiers for 200 lib which he payd: And yen every thing needfull to ye compleeting of ye Coyn came down with ye Punshions which I my selfe received, and gave receit to ye Privy-Counsel for yem. And when I made ye Punshions here at Edenbrough I had ye 250 lib payd to me for making of yem, for my Sallary is but 50 lib per Annum as sinker and that betwixt me and my Conjunct or college But now of late I have received Punshions for ye heads & Reverses of ye Shilling & Sixpence with some dyes sunk & finished from yem but our Warden either did not know it or your gravers forgott to send down ye small Punshions for ye Armes of ye Reverses & ye letters for ye inscriptions. The sixpence head Punshion was broken before I did see it and now it is all shaken & split with ye sinking only of two dyes. I have made a new sixpence head and am going to make a new Reverse punshion for ye shilling by reason ye sides of ye shields are some sunk and some broken but upon what account I should do this I know not And ye best expedient I can think on is to refer my selfe to your honour's advise & Counsell what I shall do in ye Matter. So beging pardon for this trouble & your honours Answer I am
your most humble servant
Iames Clark