An increase in fineness of silver in the course of melting has been detected: sends samples to demonstrate and requests advice on what to do about it. Some puncheons and other equipment ordered from London have still not arrived
Edenborough. 9 Octr. 1707.
I received yours of the 4th instant, and have given directions accordingly. That same day I wrote a long letter to you, to which I wait an answer.
I told you I would give you an accurate account of the next melting, which was on tuesday last, & is this, I examined the Pot paper, and attended the whole melting and Essay my self. The Pot contained about 470Lib wt Troy. I have sent you enclosed pieces of the first Mold or F{la}sk, the midle mold, & the last mold, as you see them marked. Two Flasks are skrew'd together here, as with you. The Pot was just 35 minutes in being laded out, and I am satisfyed it cannot be done in in shorter time here. You see that though the first mold be Standard by the Assay masters report, yet the last is near 2dwt better. I must again beg your directions what to doe in this case; for this is a great uncertainty.
I have also, as you directed me, sent you a piece of silver which our Assay Master finds to be precisely standard. This is that which is sealed. I must pray you to cause all those four pieces to be assayed in the Tower and give me an account of the tryal.
<190v>I saw our Assay master make assay of the standard tryal piece, at the same time that he made the assay of the pot & piece I speak of.
After a strict search into all the boxes that are come, We can find no Puncheons for small Armes & letters for shillings & sixpences, which therefore have not, in my opinion been sent: And there is only one sieve come to hand. All the other things are right. I am
Your most humble and
most obliged servant
Sir Isaac Newton at his house in Jermin Street near St James's Church Westminster