Minute of an Edinburgh Mint meeting
At the Mint At Edinburgh the 14th
The Right Honourable Iohn Eale of Lauderdale Generall George Allardice of Allardice Master, Master William Drummond principall warden Master Walter Boswell Counter warden of the Mint being present and also Doctor David Gregory who was was by the Queen to oversee the affairs of the said Mint
>Mr Richard Morgan sent down by her Majesties order for instructing the Clerks of the Mint at Edinborough in rateing standarding and book keeping after the method and practice of her Majesties Mint in the tower of London. Being called and lykewayes her Majesties Clerk and the other Clerks belonging to the Mint.
Mr Morgan acquainted the Generall and the other officers That pursuant to her Majesties said order, he had f{illeg}|u|lly instructed all the Clerks of the Mint in every thing relateing to book keeping rateing standarding and doing the bussiness of the Mint incumbent upon them And desired the might have their allowance to returne to London, the time mentioned in his warrand of his abode here being lykwise elapsed.
The Queens Clerk with the other Clerks of the Mint being present, declared that they were sufficiently instructed by Mr Morgan so as that without any assistance further, from him, They were capable of doing every thing in their bussiness that the service of the Mint do's require
Whereupon it was agreed by the Generall and officers. that the said Master Richard Morgan should have allowance to return to London, he haveing behaved himself as it became a sober and diligent man
G:o: Allardes