

I am enquiring for a melter to be sent down to you{, but}|. But| its not practicable for any man who is not experienced in melting wthyour Pit-c{{illeg}|o|}al {sic} to undertake the meltings \with your Pit Coal/ so as to keep the scissel within the Remedy, {and} untill he has had some experience working with your coals \it/, & finds out by that experience how the fire may be governed so as not to over heat the metal. For no man can undertake to do a thing before he knows how to do it, {illeg}|n|or know how to do a thing of this nature without experience. |*| < insertion from the top of the page > * All that we can do is to send you down a Melter who may assist you in moderating the fire as well as he can till he has learnt by experience to do it as well as he should. < text from f 201r resumes > By your putting in the scissel \allay/ {p}|w|hen you are ready to pour off I know that your metall is \much/ too hot for otherwise the allay would not be melted so quickly We put in the allay soon after the silver begins to run, that it may have time to melt, I heare also that the Barrs are sandy For if the metal be too hot it will disturbe the sand \& make it blow/. I Feare your Melter makes too much hast wth the {piece} & melting & putts in too much fire to make the silver melt quickly, & that your potts are too thin & your furnace not so substantial as ours. For if the silver heat too fast it will grow too hot, & if the pot be too thin it will heat faster then if the Pot be thick, & if the \a thin/ furnace be too thin it will take heats sooner \then a thick one/ & grow {sic} |may grow| so hot on the outside that as to scorch the Melter when he lades off ye pot Our Pots are \about/ an inch & a quarter \or an inch & an half/ thick & our pots are the silver we melt three times a day in the same furnace & no more & the silver (according to the best of my memory) is about 2 hours or 212 in melting the first time. But the silver & furnace being once heated the silver runs sooner the second & third time. {illeg} Pray therefore the next melting see that no more coals be put into the furnace then suffice to make the silver run in two hours time or 212, & see that the heat be not encreased suddenly to make the silver run, but kept eaven & let ye allay be put in as soon after the silver begins to run {or} {illeg} that it may have time to melt & mix well wth the silver, & as soon as the silver is all melted {but} the melter pour off & hot enough to run to the bottom of the mold wthout |before it| c{onc}|ong|ealin|es|g let the melter lade it off wth all dispatch. We lade off a pot of 5 or 600 weight in 20 or 24 minutes. If the furnace holds too many coals, you may {illeg} the Melter may put in some brick-bats or pebble stones instead of coales. And if the furnace grow too hot on the outside it may be cased {over} with bricks. |The more substantial the Pot & Furnace is the eaven will the heat of ye silver bee.| Since the scissel is too fine to be remelted \without allay/, I doubt it must be melted \run/ into Ingots & the Ingots rated & standarded a new & all{illeg}|a|yed a new but it may be kept a while till the meltings are setled.

As soon as the melting is put into better order, wch I hope will be in two or three meltings more, {illeg}|yo|u may come away. For my Lr Tr has given me leave to dismiss you. I am But before you come away, I desire that you would take a survey of the whole Mint & see \particularly/ how many hours the Mill works in a day & whether there be room for another mill, & how many sizers are at work & what how many more there is room for, & what is further to be done that you may they may coine 8 or 9000li weekly & \I desire you would/ leave a correspondence between me & Mr Scot {sic} or Mr Drummond or both of them for promoting the |service.|

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Professor Rob Iliffe
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