
To the Right Honble the Earl of Godolphin Ld High Treasurer of great Britain{illeg}.

May it please yor Lordsp

Vpon a memorial of Mr Drummond Warden of her Majties Mint at Edinburgh & a Report \made/ thereupon made by the Officers of her Majties Mint in the Tower of London, her Majty having been pleased by her Warrant dated 12 of Iuly last\12/ to send Moneyers from the Mint in the Tower to Mint at Edinburgh wth an allowance of 9d per pound weight Troy for the coynage of silver money there \at Edinburgh/, besides horses, hors-meat, hors-keep/ers\ fire & alume for their use & the charges of thei{illeg}|r| jour{illeg}|n|ey thither & back & a weekly maintenance \during their stay there/ when the{ir}|re| is not work sufficient to maintain them there; I have \hitherto/ advanced money for these services that the {illeg}|c|oynage might receive no stop. But these charges being extraordinary except the 9d per lwtt, I humbly pray that they may be allowed to me\in my accounts/ {illeg}|a|s incidental charges, & that moneys may be imprest to me from the Receiver\Collector/ of the coynage moneys\Bullion/ for bearing the|se| same charges untill my accounts can be stated.

All wch is most humbly submitted to yor

Lordsps great wisdome

George Allardes.


And I further whereas {illeg} \by order of her Majts Council in Scotland/ I have hitherto melted the {illeg} old moneys into Ingots to be recoyned & the charges thereof this cannot \regularly/ be defrayed out of the moneys belonging to the Mint \& by order of her Majts Council in Scotland\&/ &{illeg} to be allowed      pr lwtt for ye {same} \melting/ {sic}/ |melting| \& the|i||s| charge ought to be born by the Im{illeg}|p|orter/ I humbly pray yor Lordps Order for the {illeg}|p|aymens|t| of this|e| charge\sufficient/ out of the equivalent. All

[1] 4 Decembr

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