Memorandum by Scottish Treasury ordering [bullion collector] Daniel Stewart [Stuart] to pay Newton £532.13s.4d. for tools supplied to the Edinburgh Mint
The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesties Treasury in the North part of great Brittain, in pursuance of a Warrant direct to their Lordships by the Right Honourable the Earl of Godolphin Lord High Treasurer of Great Brittain dated 26' Febry, 170 Do hereby order Daniell Stuart Esquire Collector of the Bullion to Pay to Sr Isaac Newton Master and Worker of her majesties Mint in the Tower of London or his Order the Summ of Five hundred and therty-two pound: {illeg} ye sterline, upon his delivering up to you the acquittances of the respective persons who furnished the Tools and Vtensels that were Sent for the use of the Mint att Edinbrugh and these represents with his or Orders recept {sic} shall be your Warrant. Dated att Edinbrugh the 26th day of March 1708:°
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[1] Copie.