
Vnto The Right Honourable The Earle of Godolphin Lord High Thesaurer of Great Brittain.

The Representation of Iohn Earle of Lauderdale Generall, and the other officer of her maties Mint at Edinburgh

Humbly sheweth

That by the 16th article of the Treaty of union, It is appointed that the Coin shall be o the same standart and value throughout the united Kingdom, and amint Continoued {sic} in Scotland under the same rules as in England and the present officers of the mint Continoued {sic} subject to Regulators and alterations by Her matie or Parliament of Great Brittain

In Prosecution wherof and Her majesties orders to that effect the Mint \here/ is now Setled in the methods of working {illeg}|Vse|d in the mint at the town and the Clerks are Instructed in the keeping of the books as the Clerks doe there And three new Clerks are added Namely one for the master ane other for the Warden and a third for the Comptroller or Counter warden, And the assay master having had noe Clerk is allowed ane assistant Dureing the present Recoinage As also for saving of Charges of more officers the warden, and Comptroller by turns Doe the office of Surveyer of the met|l|tings The Comptroller officiats as weigher and teller and their Clerks are Clerks to those offices And the Queens Clerk is made Clerk to the papers and Irons besyde several \other/ Regulations

Matters being thus adjusted and the methods of the mint at the Towr fully understood and exactly practised at Edinburgh The Recoinage is far advanced

But our proceedings therein with success comes to be obstructed by the following occasions viz

The former fund appointed by the 24th Act of the Parliament held in Scotland anno 1686 a Coppie wherof is here with, laid befor your Lop: for Defraying the expence of a free Coinage supporting the fabrick and paying the sallaries of the officers of the Mint here falls by the Vnion, The Duties upon goods from which this Fund Did arise being now Discharged by the Supervenient law that appoints equality of taxes throughout the united Kingdome

While the Impositions laid on by the forsaid Act 1686: for support of this mint stood The same were by the said Act appointed to be keept {sic} apart by themselves seperat and Distinct from all other the customes and Revenues in a Chester wherof the Generall or master of the mint to have one Key and the Generall Receaver {sic} ane other and the serfunds {sic} are appointed not to be otherwayes applyed then for the ends aforsaid and lately the saids {sic} Impositions for support of the Mint were appointed to be payed in to a Collector Called the Collector of the Bullion one Mr Daniell Stewart had that office but is lately dead and therby the whole bygone Bullion mony which was very Considerable stops <121v> in the hands of his exers so that at present there is no fund here for Defraying the Charge of a free Coinage paying the officers Sallaries or mantaining {sic} the Fabrick And the officers abovementioned newly aded {sic} have Receaved {sic} no sallarie albeit they have Served Since the first of August 1707 And there is wanting such ane Establishment that may defray these Charges for the future as obtains as in her maties Mint at the Towr

By the forsaid state of the mint in this place wherof the vouchers are here with Produced viz: the forsaid act or Parliament 1686 the Instructions sent down by her matie to the officers of the mint being {antoriall} Coppie of the Contract betwixt her matie and her servants in the mint in the towr the principall Remaining there your Lordshipe will perceave {sic} that it needs your Giving order Concerning the same least her Maties service should be Retarded

May it therefor please your Lordshipe to Give such orders for Defraying the Charge of a free Coinage mantaining {sic} the fabrick and Directing the sallaries of the officers both old and new with such Regard to ther surcharge of burden by the late Regulations as your Lop: shall think fitt at the present To which end the Calling for Mr Stewarts accompts from his Representatives may affoord {sic} a Considerable sum and any establishment that may be made for the future That your Lop: may be pleased to take into your Consideration the officers Sallaries according to the present Circumstances of the mint here in Conformity to Her Majesties Mint at the tower

All which is Humbly Submitted to your lordships Great Wisdome By

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