
Honored Sir

Mr Allardes having been pleased to send me his Letter for you to open that I might put in it a Copie of Mr Millars Representa{o}n I beg pardon to inform you that it seems Mr Allardes has mistaken the Matter, for tho' Mr Millar be joined with the other three Commissioners to the Receiving the Money from the Bank, His pains {illeg}|is| only in assisting at the Tale and Weight and Certifieing the same and the Recept thereof in to the Mint: But he does not concern himself to Witness or observe the melting of it: As you will see by the Copy of his Supplication subjoined.    The Original was sent up two posts ago to Sir David Nairn.

Our Coinage goes on very well, And we have received the Thesaurers Warands for a supplee of money So that I hope we shall have no stop on that account.

Pray whatever Depúrsments you are at on oúr Warands from time to time be pleased to let know them as you have occasion to write and your reimbursement will be ordered.

I give you my hearty thanks for your kindnes and civilities to me when at London I shall wish for an Opportunity to let you know how much I am

Honored Sir


Your most obedient humble servant

Pat: Scott

[1] Edinbr 10th Aug: 1708

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