
Honoured Sir

The Recoinage being now over, and the Moneyers work at ane end, they are desirous to be discharged and to return home, which the officers are very well satisfied they bee, Ther are two attestations drawn up which the officers of the Mint propose to signe in the Monyers favours copy whereof they have transmitted this night, to their provost to be shoun yo{u}{w}, which I hope shall please, if any thing furder is requisit for them they will not be denied it.

The Queens warrant appointing them to come doun requires that they continue att Edinbrugh not only till the whole recoinage be over, but likewise untill such time as her Majestie have otherwise ordaind and provided for the Coynage in the Mint here, or that they shall obtain Leave from my Lord Treasurer. It therefore seems necessar Leave be obtained, for their departure and they defer till they are directed in this from London, mean time the officers of the Mint here <127v> to prevent charges ther stay may occasion are willing to doo every thing for their dispatch and this is the occasion of giving yo{u}{w} this trouble to signifie this to yo{u}{w}, the freedom of doeing which you will please excuse from

Honoured Sir

Edinbrugh March: 12th.          1709

Your most humble and
most obedient servant

W Drummond



The Much Honoured
Sir Isaac Newton

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