Recommendations for sorting out the Edinburgh Mint's expenses
We have made a report upon Mr Robt the petition of Mr Robt Millar ye Queens Clerk & proposed that he should have\be allowed/ a recompence of 60li for his service in assisting the three Commrs appointed to certify the deficiencies upon the recoinage. The Petition of the moneyers was referred to us before I stopt it, wch I was note aware of when I had ye honour to see yor Lordp last. We have since made a report upon it in wch we set forth the weight of all ye money coyned, the sum due to the Moneyers after ye rate of 9d pr lwt \for the coinage, {that inso}/, h{e}|o|w much they have received thereof & what remains due to them & that of the said 9d one penny be {illeg} allowed by her Mr Allard{ice}|es| be allowed one penny per lwt in his accts by her Majty, & beare \only/ the other 8d out of his own allowance as is done in the Tower Mint in the Tower. [So that I hope this Report will \fully/ settle the account.] Mr {Al} We have also reported what is due to ye Moneyers upon for journeys & other allowances So that I hope this Report will fully settle their account & authorize\& procure a Warrant for paying it off {as} soon/ \as there is money, & for authorizing/ Mr Allardes to place the penny per Lwt \to her Majty/ in his account wth to her Majty, |[|Mr Taylor intends to {illeg} speak wth the Barons of the Excheq{ꝫ|uer|} of North Brittain or a|o|ne of them ab|]| &
My Lord
I understand that the Barons of the Exchequer of North Britain are calling in the money {of}{ten} due to yor Mint from the Collectors of ye Bullion, {so} |&| what\I hope there is good/ progress {i} made in that matter. I do not yet know {But}|And| as that money can be got in I presume my Ld Treasurer will order it for paying off ye arrears of ye late recoinage & \ye/ other charges {{illeg}|o|}f |yor|the mint. And if any thing relating to this matter be referred by my Ld Treasurer to ye Officers of the Mint in Tower I shall be ready to promote the affairs of your Mint as much as I can.
{illeg}Since the Vnion of ye two kingdoms there has been a Duty collectd in North Britain upon the same foot with the coinage Duty in England & the money collected (wch is but a small summ) lies in her Majts Mint Exchqr. I presume my Ld Treasurer will give order about it this\next/ winter \which is approaching/ & also about the 12 hundred pounds applicable ({illeg}|b|y the new Act of Parliamt) to ye payment of salaries & charges of repairs. But during this vacation time, his Lordp being seldom at London it\& not yet having an account of the old arrears in the hands of the/ |collectors of bullion,| will be {more} difficult to get these matters settled. I wrote to Mr Allardes about two or three months ago to sollicit the Barons of the Exchequer to call in those arrears, & as soon as a full state of that matter can be laid before his Lordp I am humbly o wch I hope may be before winter, I am humbly of opinion that it may be proper to draw up a memorial of\representing/ the arrears due to the Mint\in {ye} the same memorial/, |&| {illeg} |moving| apply to his Lordp for ye paymt thereof & \for settling the paymt/ {{illeg}|of|} such further summs \from yearly time to time/ as shall be yearly requisite for the support {illeg}|o|f yor Mint for ye future, & \I believe it will be most proper/ |to| y|g|et the Secretary of State to lay the Memorial before his Lordp.