
fol. 4 lin 23 for Wardens & Comptroller read Warden & Counterwarden or Comptroller.

fol. 7 lin penult. Quære 1 whether the last trial pieces were made by the direction of her Maty. Quære 2 whether they were made by the Iury. Quære 3 whether the Iury {illeg}|knew| how & to what degree the Gold was refined of wch ye |{Gold}| tiral pieces were made. Quære 4 whether the Iury whether the Iury assayed the Gold {&} fine Gold & the trial piece made thereof in a legal manner. Quære 5 Whether the Iury did not refuse to oblige themselves to make their plate of gold & silver by these Trial P piec{e}|e|s. Quære 6 Whether the Goldsmiths have \{illeg}/ any Trial pieces by {illeg}|wch| they are to make & try their plate of Gold & silver as they ought to do have always done till of late. Quære 7 Whether \the u{illeg}|s|ing of the/ the last trial {illeg}piece of Gold will not impose a t{illeg}|a|x upon the merchants of above 2s 6d\above 4s/ per pound weight for all the Gold they import. Quære 8 Whether the new triall pieces should be \duly/ made by the Queens order & the trial pieces made in ye reign of K. Iames II A. C. 88 sh{illeg}|o|uld be imposed in this Indenture untill new Triall pieces can be made \in a regular manner/ by her Majesties order or|&| imposed legally imposed on all parties by {the} a short instrument under the broad sea{illeg}|l|e. And note that little pieces may be cutt of from the {illeg}|W|ardens trial piece & mine for the use use {sic} of that Mint till this matter can be set right.

fol. 14. lin 10, for containing write not exceeding

fol. 18 lin 6. \Quære about/ Sixty days. I am told that by the former constitution he was bou{t}|n|d to deliver with|in| {illeg} one month.

Ib. l 19. instead of or by her Maties commands write & by her Majts commands.

fol. 19. lin. {illeg}|7|. Dele to retain & keep in his own hands yearly the summ of 1200 pounds as well for &c & write to defray the charges of melting refining & coining & the incident charges of {illeg} {illeg} thereof & the charges of repairing & upholding the buildings & the s|f|ees & salaries due to himsef {sic} & to the other Officers & Clerks in the said schedu{illeg}|le| {illeg}|me|ntioned {illeg}|to| {illeg}|b|e payable by the said Master & Worker according to ye distribution & appointm{illeg}|e|nt mentioned in ye said schedule.

Ib. l. 14 for Warden or Comptroller write Warden & Counterwarden or Comptroller.

Fol. 20. l. 18 {illeg} deliver yearly upon Oaths\23 Sup Let the clause run as in ye Indenture \of ye Mint/ in the Tower./

     21. l. 7. & Clerk of ye Irons.

Fol. 8. Dele lin 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 to the words in fineness thereby. Or {illeg}|fo|l. 7

NB The Master is obliged to coin & has no money to pay for ye coinage.

2 The master should be sworn & give security before ye Indenture p{illeg} passes

3 The clause concerning the Surveyor of the melting should be struck out For there can be no surveyor.

fol. 3 lin 2 &            No moneys given for defraying the charges of melting refining & coining.

fol. 13. l. 10 his Duty.

fol 19. lin. 7 strike out the clause And the said Master is hereby appoint{ed} &c to ye words in the said Schedule.

fol 20 lin 22 Let the clause run as in the Indenture in|of| the Mint in the Tower.


Fol. 24 My Lord having ordered that the Salaries of ye Officers of the mint be continued as at the time of ye Vnion, the salaries of th 40li per an must to three C{illeg}|l|erks must be struck out, b{illeg}|e|ing give {illeg} since \{s}ince {sic} the Vnion/ for carrying on the late recoynage, & not intended to be perpetual.

And t|T|he salary of fifty pounds \per ann/ to the Clerk of the Bullion is ceased wth his Office, {illeg} & the Comptroller of the Mint is surveyer of the Meltings & of all the proceedings of the Mint by his Office. He is \expressly/ called surveyor of the Meltings in the body of the Indenture, & {illeg}|he| that weighted the gold & silver before ye union may weigh{illeg} it still without appointing any {illeg}new weight & teller.

T{illeg} If these salaries \amounting to 170li/ be struct out there will be about 180 or\of the schedule/ & the buildings can be repaired for 10|9|0li per an, there will be 19|8|0 per an{illeg}|n| for de{illeg}|f|raying all charges of coinage, otherwise there will be but {illeg}li 10li per an for this service.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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