Personal recommendation of deputy Edinburgh master Patrick Scott
Edinburgh August 2d. 1710
The Officers of the Mint here concerned in the late coynage are to sett out this day with the pixis for London. Mr Scott who was the late Master's Deputy goes as one of them by vertue of a Deputation from the present Master, he has the honour to be knowen to you and is a very honest man & very capable to act his part at this tryall & he is the only person among the Officers that has any concern to advert to the interest of Mr. Allardice, You have been at a great deal of trouble in directing this coynage you have done most justly to all concerned in it and I hope you will continue to assist in directing him \in/ what concerns this tryall and in any thing else that may prevent Mr. Allardice his Gaine for haveing so seasonably served the government and the proprietors of the old money; and who did so readily give his Credit & bestor his pains and attendance at the earnest desyre of My Lord Tresaurer and the government. Mr. Scott will inform you, what further may be needfull and I entreat that you may be assisting to him in procureing the payt of the Ballance due to Allardice; & the allowance of his Charges for this journey with some encouragement for his bypast Services in the late recoynage pardon me for this trouble & I with the greatest respect
Your most Humble & obedient Servt.