Holograph list of editorial additions and emendations to be made to the Coinage Act
|In| The Clause in the Coinage Act of ye 7th of ye Queen; for issuing out of the Exchequer any part of ye Coinage moneys not exceeding 1200li per an for the Salaries of the Mint in Scotland {illeg}|&| for repairing that Mint & providing necessaries \the moneys/ should not have \been/ restrained the coinage moneys to those services but have \but have been issued for the use & service of the Mint so that the weight{s} have been a{illeg}|p|plied to any part of the service/ All the \coinage/ moneys issued to the Mint from the Exchequer \of great Britain/ to the Master & Worker of the Mint in England are issued for the use & service of that|is| Mint {illeg}|w|i{illeg}|t|hout {illeg}|r|estraining them to any particular services, & the Officers of the|i||s| Mint apply them too particular services taking care that no more be applied issued out of the Excheqr \or Treasury/ of ye Mint for Salaries|,| & Repairs \& necessaries/ then are allowed by Act of Parliament for those services. And in like manner all the moneys issued from the Exchequer of great Britain to the Mint in Scotland, should be issued not to the Master & Worker (not to the General) of that Mint. for the use & service of that Mint without restraining them to particular services & the Officers of that Mint should issue them from their Exchequer or Treasury to particular services taking care that no more moneys be applied to sala{ries} repairs & Incidents then are allowed by Act of Parilament {sic}. For by the Act of {illeg}|V|nion a Mint is to be continued in Scotland under the same Rules as the Mint in England. The clause therefore for issuing 1200li per an for salaries repairs & inci\d/ents is either to be rectified or dropt. Had that clause {illeg}|be|en for issuing 1200li for the use & service \of the Mint/ in general it would have s{illeg} {illeg} that no money might have sufficed for the whole charge of that Mint including the coinage, as it did in the reign of King Iames II & K. William. For At which {illeg} For setting this matter right therefore the following amendments to ye Bill are proposed.
By the Act of Vnion a Mint is to be continued in Scotland under the same Rules as the Mint in England. And therefore all the moneys coinage money for Scotland should be issued out of the Exchequer for that Mint\of Great Britain/ to the Master & Worker of that Mint (not to the General) for the use & service of that Mint \in general/ & applied \not by the Warrants of the Treasury but/ by the Officers of the|a||t| Mint to particular uses, those Officers taking care that no greater summ be applied to Salaries, Repairs of Buildings & incidents then the Co{n}|i|nage Act allows. For this is the Constitution of the Mint in England setled by Act of Parliament. the Coinage Acts {illeg}.
In the Coinage Act of the 7th of the Queen, there is a clause for issuing from the Excheqr of Great Britain {illeg} any summ not exceeding 1200li to ye Mint in Scotland & all this money is restrained to {Sall} the Salaries Repairs of buildings & {illeg} & In{illeg}|c|idents, {illeg}\for salaries & repairs of Buildings/ Had this money been issued \in general terms/ for the use & service of that Mint \as it ought to have been by the Act of Vnion/ it might have sufficed for defraying all the charges of that Mint including the coinage, as {illeg} before the Vnion in the reign of King Iames II & King William, the whole charge in those days not exceeding 1200 16000 pounds Scots \that it/ {illeg} 1200 pounds sterling \one year with another/. But they who drew up that Clause have limited the restrained all this money to Salaries repairs & incidents \without taking care of the coinage/ & now come to the Parliament for more mon 4 or 500li more out of the coinage Duty for their coinage. carrying on a coinage \in Scotland/. And thus the coinage moneys are taken away from the Mint in Englan{d} to be squandered away in Scotland. for paying of Pensions & turned into Pensions
For remedying this {mischeief} {sic}\preserving the|i||s| Mint in England & reducing the Mint in Scotland to the same \Rules// the following amendments are proposed to the Bill are here proposed.
Fol. 2. lin. {illeg}12. After the words [duly put in Execution] add [with relation to the Mint {illeg}|o|r Mints in England.
56. lin 14. After the words [{illeg}|o|f this present Act] add the clauses AA
<215v>The first Amendment is for voiding the aforesaid irregular clause in the Coinage Act of ye 7th of the Queen. The second is for setting the Mint of Scotland upon the same foot\Rules/ wth the Mint in England as it ought to be by the Act of Vnion.