In response to a petition from the Edinburgh master, recommends renewal of the indenture of the Edinburgh Mint of 17 November 1718 and the release of £2,100 for the Edinburgh Mint's expenses
To the Rt Honble the Lords Commrs of his Maties Treary.
May it please yor Lordps
In obedience to yor Lordps Order of Reference (dated 3 Aug, & 12 Sept) upon the annexed Memorials of the General & Master of his Mats Mint at Edinburgh, I humbly represent that by the Coinage Act wch passed last Sessions of Parliament, his Mats Signe Manual directed to the General & dated 17 Novem. 1718 is become voyd. And a new one may be {illeg}|p|rocured to the Master for putting in force the Indenture made between the late Queen Ann & the said Master untill a new Indenture shall be made. And that the summe of two thousand & one hundred pounds be imprest upon account to the said Master for the use & service {illeg}|of| that Mint, as is desire{illeg}|d|. Which summ together with the moneys formerly imprest, I conceive sufficient for defraying all the charges of that Mint till Lady day last, & also for keeping four|ive| or six hundred poun{illeg}|d|s in his hands till Lady last for defraying the charges of coinage till more moneys shall be issued unto him.
All wch is most humbly submitted to {illeg}|yo|r Lordps great wisdom
[1]Isaac Newton