| Gross Weight | Standard weight of Ingots & sweep | Made new moneys in Tale | Paid Importers |
of money & Plate before melting | of Ingots & sweep after after 1st melting | in weight Sta. | in Tale |
The Kings fine silver imported \seat/ by Mr Hall in the beginning {illeg} to | Bristol | | 993. 1. 10. 12 | 3102. 5. 0 | |
Exeter | 992. 3. 12. 0 | 3095. 2. 0 |
York | 996. 3. 9. 6 | 3106. 11. 0 | at 3.l 2.s 4d |
Norwich | 499. 1. 19. 15 | 1558. 2. 6 | |
Chester | 498. 2. 11. 10 | 1557. 0. 6 |
Publick moneyes collected at 5s 8d ꝑ oz \Hammered \Clipt/ moneys imported \& paid off/ {illeg}|a|t 5s 8d/ & paid imported before \untill/ Novemb. 4. 1696 15328 per oz \first weight/ betill {illeg}|N|ov. 4. 1696 at | Bristol | 133172. 15. 0 | 13274. 4. 5. 0 | 13183. 2. 2. 22 | 41097. 15. 6 |
Exeter | 15{illeg}|328|. 11. 15. 0 | 15115. 1. 12. 0 | 15063\279/. 5. 10. 19 ? | 46947. 15. 9 at 62 |
York | 17701|0|. 11|0|.10. 0 | 17533. 4. 0. 0 | 17338|9|/12\. 11|0|. 12|0|. 0 ? | |
Norwich | 13268. 4. 15. 0 | 13109. 3. 10. 00 | 13041. 3. 13. 2 | 40554. 7. 6 |
Chester | 6492. 8. 2. 0 | | 6421. 3. 11. 0 | 20014. 6. 6 |
Private \hammered/ moneys imported at 55 4d ꝑ oz before Nov untill November 4 1696 at Wrought Plate imported |& paid of at first weight from May 4| at, 5s 6|8|d ꝑ oz sta. untill ye 4th of Nov. 1696 & paid of at 5s 2d ꝑ oz standd at | Bristol | 2490. 0. 0. 0 | 2473. 11. 1. 19 | 7743. 3. 3 |
Exeter | 3430. 0 0 0 | 3416. 4.0. 19.0. 180 | 10646. 13. 9 at 62.s 4d |
York | {illeg}|31481|. 0 0/3148. 1. 0 0\ | 3040. {illeg}|5|. 2. 0 | 3416. |
Norwich | 1970. 6. 19 0 | 1885. 8. 2. 1 | 5866. 6. 0 |
Chester | 260. 0. 0. 0 | 254. 6. 4|6|. 0 | 793. 9. 0 |
Wrought Bullion imported \& pd of/ at 5s 2d ꝑ oz \standard/ untill Nov. 4. 1696 & paid off at the same rate in
pr | Bristol | | 139. 6. 0. 19 | 432. 9. 3 |
Exeter | |
York |
Norwich |
Chester |
Hammered Money Bull & Bullion imported till {illeg}|from| {illeg}|N|ov 4 1696 to June 1 1697 |
2 {illeg}|P|ublick moneys \collected collected. at 5s 8d ꝑ oz &./ imported from Nov 4 1696 \to {illeg} 1.st 1697/ & paid off at 5s ꝑ oz in | Bristol | 824{illeg}|2|3. 3. 0. 0 | | 82163. 1. 4. 7 | 255929. 10. 0 | |
Exeter | 566{illeg}|2|7. {illeg}|2|. 10. 0 | 56247. 0. 12. 1 | |
York | 5667\6/6. 0. 5\15/. 0 | |
Norwich | 4{illeg}|5|255. 9{illeg}|2|. 0 | 44953. 9. 5. 0 | 44900. 4. 8. 17 |
Chester | 618657. 0. 0 | |
{21} Pirate moneys imported \& paid off/ at 5s 4d ꝑ oz ꝑ oz from Nov. 4 1696 to Jul 1. 1697 & paid off at ye same 1st at 5s & yn at 4d more in | Bristol | 35292. 8. {illeg}|2|. 0 | | 35191. 4. 14. 00 | 109612. 19. 0 |
Exeter | 57628. 4|0|. 12. 01 | 68798\57332/. 2. 3. 21 | |
York | |re{illeg}e| 19439. 10. 15. 0 \15 4 15/ /10\ |Wyvil| | |
Norwich | 20775. 7. 5. 0 | 20696. 4. 5. 9 | 20664. 8. {illeg}|6|. 19 | 64185. 8. 0 |
Chester | 253068. 0. 0 | |
{illeg}/Wrought\ Plate imported from {illeg}|Jan| 1 1696 to {illeg}|Mar| 4 1st 1697 at 5s 2d {illeg}|ꝑ|er oz stirling & pd off at ye same rate & all charges d{illeg}|ef|rayed by ye Undertakers at 1475 | Bristol | 101{illeg}\1{illeg}/\12400/ |
Exeter | {illeg}{illeg}|1|0{illeg}|1|00. |
York | 2500. 0. 0. 9 |
Norwich | 340{illeg}0\146{illeg}|75|/. 9. 18 | 146{illeg}|9|. 5. 5 | 1409. 3. 3. 21 | 4392. 12 .6 |
Chester | 4{illeg}|6145| | |
Publick moneys collected at 5s 2d ꝑ oz from & wrought plate received in taxes till June 1th {sic} 1697 | |