To the Right Honble the Lords
Commissrs. of His Majtys Treasury

The Humble Representation of the Officers of the Mint in the Tower.


That at the setting-up of the five Country Mints, Wee appointed such Officers & Clerks as was thought necessary for the carrying-on the Coynage of those places.

That in pursuance of Yr. Lopps verball Order, We have payd those severall persons such summs of mony as were necessary for erecting the severall buildings, paying salaries, and other Incidents of the severall Mints, out of the Mony imprested to the Master & Worker for the use & service of the Mint

That being now upon making-up our Accompts, Wee find likewise that in Decembr. 1696, Yr. Lopps were pleasd to imprest to the Mastr. & Workr. 2000Ls. in tallies of Pro. with Yr. Lopps verball order to dispose of the same the best Wee could, upon which Wee were then forced to allow 45Ls. pr. Centm discount, & lost thereby – 900Ls.

Wee further presume to lay before Yr. Lopps that the business of the Mint upon the extraordinary Coynage having been very great, Wee have not bee able to make an yearly accompt, as the Custom was, but are now ready to state the whole together to this present time, & to pass it in Audit

Wee therefore humbly beseech Yr. Lopps that You would be pleasd to issue out such Warrant to the Auditor of his Majtys Imprest, as Yr. Lopps shall think fitt, that Wee may be allowed in our severall accompts the severall summs of <495v> Mony Imprested for the Country Mints, the 900Ls lost on the 2000Ls Tallies of Pro, the severall summs payd for the buildings and Repairs of this Mint And that Wee may be admitted to pass the severall yearly Accompts in one, by reason they are so entangled one year with another, that it is not possible to distinguish them

All which Wee humbly submitt to Yr. Lopps great Wisdom

Tower Mint Office
     Decembr 1698.


Mint Officers

Representation to the Lds. Commissrs. of His Majtys Trery

Decembr. 1698°.

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