Holograph draft of MINT00497 (Mint 19/2/456)
To the Rt Honble the Ld High Treasurer of great Britain.
May it please yor Lordp
In obedience to your Lordps Order of Reference of May the 5t upon the Memorial of the Rt Honble the Earl of Darby for coyning three or four hundred pounds worth of copper money for the Isle of Mann wth the arms of that Island on ye Reverse we have considered the same & are humbly of opi{illeg}|n|ion that his Lordp may have the said summ of her Majties copper m{illeg}|o|ney coyned wth the proposed Reverse instead of a Britannia \for the convenience of that Island/, & that the coynage of such money will be ch{illeg}p|ea|pest at the next coynage of copper money for England. But if the necessities of that Island require a speedier coynage of such money, the Master & Worker is {illeg} willing to coin a Tunn or two, cutting a pound weight into one & twenty pence with a remedy of a half penny or payment of extraordinary charges.
All {illeg}|w|ch is most humbly submiteed to yor Lordships
great wisdome