An Account of the Copper Coynage of Half-pence and Farthings for the Service of Ireland as it appears by the Several Abstracts transmitted from Bristoll to the 28:th of March 1724.
Halfpence.Farthings.Odd Ounces in each Abstract
1723Suttle lib:Suttle lib:Wt ozT.Val:Wt ozT.Val:
10 June 418,9771,138,6202,37226..............................14.....................
D:o 2912,314738,8401,5395................................4.....................
July 2713,425805,5001,6785654965,880681262.........2….…....
Aug:t 3113,440806,4001,680....24729,6403017613...…....2….…....
Sept:r 3011,849710,9401,4812634241,0404215..6...…....12….…....
Octo:r 2612,370742,2001,5465..33440,0804115..15...…....9….…....TotalsSuttle lib
Nov:r 3012,664759,8401,583....1,689202,6802112611...…....14….…....Half-pence123,839
Dec:r 287,411444,6609267680997,080101266...…....9….…....Farthings8,685
Jan:y 259,673580,3801,2092671485,680895..3...…....10….…....Odd Ounces11:4oz
Feb:y 268,983538,9801,12217669683,52087....12...…....15….…....Specimens31:
Mar: 282,733163,9803411263,305396,600413266...…....15….…....132,566: 4
123,8397,430,34015,4791768,6851,042,2001,0851265lib:12345144125lib: 8660139


Weight Reduced to Tuns &c.aTuns. đ. Q. lib. Oz
            Half-pence55: 5: 2: 23: 0
            Odd Ounces amounting to          5: 1255: 5: 3: 0: 12
            Farthings3: 17: 2: 5: 0
            Odd Ounces amounting to          5: 83: 17: 2: 10: 8
            Specimens       1: 3: 0
                         Tot: Weight59: 3: 2: 14: 4
Odd oz making     3457,430,685£ 15,480:11:1012
Odd oz making     6601,042,860£ 1,086: 6: 3
Specimens Computed as 12 pence    1,860£    3:17: 6
Tot: Value£ 16,570:15:712
Note By Mr Wood's Account from the Telling Room the N:o of Baggs is 3345 at 5£ Value each, which together w.th ye £3:17:6 Specimens, Amount to£ 16,728:17:6
The Comp:rs Computation by the Weight is£ 16,570:15:712
The Patentee has gained by Telling    158: 1:1012
The Whole Remedy allow'd on 132,566lib:oz at 12 ꝑ lib: is    276: 4: 212
Of which the Patentee appears to have gain'd no more than    158: 1:1012
        Value of ye Coyn withon ye Remedy on ye Whole is    118: 2: 4

The Comptroller's Acco:t Of the Coynage for the Service of Ireland To ye 28:th March 1724          T. đ. Q. lib. Oz Quantity 59: 3: 2: 14: 4.

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