Statistics of recoinage in London 1 February 1695/6 to 21 October 1698
The standard weight of the silver coyned between the 1st & 15th of Feb. 169 was 4184l. 3oz. 4d. 19gr, the coynage whereof is paid.
The sta. \imported/ weight of the twelve generall Rem{illeg}|ai|ns is 790860l. 1oz. 19d. 8gr & made in tale 2463110l. 17s. 7d including \both/ the Pix thereof wch was in tale 1608l|.|{illeg} 4s. 0d, & the charge of coynage pa \& incidents/ wch was paid out of it & amount to
The imported sta. weight of all the hammered money the out of wch the charge of coynage was reserved & that of the Plate imported {illeg}|by| the {illeg}|Co|mmrs was 696812. 8. 16. 6. the coynage of all wch is paid & amounted to
The standard weight of all the Bullion {illeg}|i|mported from ye 15th of Feb 169 till this present Octob. 21 1698 is 126741℔wt. 00oz. 10d. 5gr & the coynage thereof is not yet paid for & {accounts}\& at/ 17d ꝑ lwt amounts to 9241l. 10s. 9d whereof 2112l. 07s. 00d is due to the Melter at 4d ꝑ lwt & 5544l. {illeg}|18|s. 5d {illeg}|to| the Monyer at 10d ꝑ lwt & 132. 0. 5 to ye Smith at d ꝑ lwt & 1452l. 4s. 10d to the Mr & Wr at 2d ꝑ lwt.
Due to ye Melter for melting 22747lwt. 10oz. 10dwt, of Plate at 1d ꝑ lwt before Nov 4 96, 94l. 15s. 7 & for melting 24372lwt. 1{illeg}|oz|. 0dwt ꝑ|of| \old money/ a{illeg}|t| three farthings pr lwt, 76l. 3s. 3d. In all due 170l. 1{illeg}|8|. 10.
Due to the Melter for refining 7394lwt of fine silver to make good the worsness of the Plate abovementioned 369l. 14s. 0d & {illeg}|145|2lwt more to the 24th of Iune last for carrying of the silver of Private Importers & about 1100℔ more to this present 127l. 12s. 00d in all due 497l. 6s. 0d.
Reserved in the Mint the surplus of the two pences pr oz of of {sic} P|u|blick Importers money {illeg}|63|4{illeg}|6|lb. 0s. 2d out of wch the charge of to be pd into ye Excheqr abating only about 25s for ye charge {illeg}|o|f ye Tally at 2s pr 1000lb 0s 0d & \for/ the charge o{illeg}|f| the carriage is to be deducted.
Reserved more the surplus of the 2d pr oz of Private Importers m{illeg}|o|ney 997℔. 0s. 1{illeg}|0| wch is now paid for the coynage of the Gold.
Recd of Mr Hall last spring 2000℔ wch is also paid for ye coynage of the gold
Lately imprest to us 5000℔ {illeg}|fo|r paying off private Importers in ye Country & 3000℔ more paid by Mr Hall whereof 7000℔ was paid away & 1000℔ remains in the Mint.
Paid for the {illeg}|c|oynage of of Gold till the end of Sept last 3590℔. 0s. 4d part of wch was the 997lb. 00s 1{illeg}|0| & 2000℔ above mentioned.
<274v>A copy of the discharge given by Mr Hayes to Mr Burdikin & Mr Walford.
Left in the hands of Mr Thomas Burdikin & Mr Saml Walford in the Treasury of the Mint of Exon the Su{illeg}|m|m of {illeg}|f|ourtee{illeg}|n| hundred eighty eight pound six shillings & six pence & I oblige my self to make good the same to be the ballance of the Treasury & secure them f{illeg}|r|om any demand. Exon. 18th Ian. 169
Israel Hayes.
Copy of a Memorandum
Enterd in Mr. Spicers first Cash-book 31st Decembr. 1697° by Mr. Israel Hayes Comptroler at Exon