
The standard weight of the silver coyned between the 1st & 15th of Feb. 16956 was 4184l. 3oz. 4d. 19gr, the coynage whereof is paid.

The sta. \imported/ weight of the twelve generall Rem{illeg}|ai|ns is 790860l. 1oz. 19d. 8gr & made in tale 2463110l. 17s. 7d12 including \both/ the Pix thereof wch was in tale 1608l|.|{illeg} 4s. 0d, & the charge of coynage pa \& incidents/ wch was paid out of it & amount to

The imported sta. weight of all the hammered money the out of wch the charge of coynage was reserved & that of the Plate imported {illeg}|by| the {illeg}|Co|mmrs was 696812. 8. 16. 6. the coynage of all wch is paid & amounted to

The standard weight of all the Bullion {illeg}|i|mported from ye 15th of Feb 16956 till this present Octob. 21 1698 is 126741℔wt. 00oz. 10d. 5gr & the coynage thereof is not yet paid for & {accounts}\& at/ 17d12 ꝑ lwt amounts to 9241l. 10s. 9d12 whereof 2112l. 07s. 00d12 is due to the Melter at 4d ꝑ lwt & 5544l. {illeg}|18|s. 5d34 {illeg}|to| the Monyer at 10d12 ꝑ lwt & 132. 0. 514 to ye Smith at 14d ꝑ lwt & 1452l. 4s. 10d to the Mr & Wr at 2d34 ꝑ lwt.

Due to ye Melter for melting 22747lwt. 10oz. 10dwt, of Plate at 1dlwt before Nov 4 96, 94l. 15s. 7 & for melting 24372lwt. 1{illeg}|oz|. 0dwt |of| \old money/ a{illeg}|t| three farthings pr lwt, 76l. 3s. 3d. In all due 170l. 1{illeg}|8|. 10.

Due to the Melter for refining 7394lwt of fine silver to make good the worsness of the Plate abovementioned 369l. 14s. 0d & {illeg}|145|2lwt more to the 24th of Iune last for carrying of the silver of Private Importers & about 1100 more to this present 127l. 12s. 00d in all due 497l. 6s. 0d.

Reserved in the Mint the surplus of the two pences pr oz of of {sic} P|u|blick Importers money {illeg}|63|4{illeg}|6|lb. 0s. 2d34 out of wch the charge of to be pd into ye Excheqr abating only about 25s for ye charge {illeg}|o|f ye Tally at 2s pr 1000lb 0s 0d & \for/ the charge o{illeg}|f| the carriage is to be deducted.

Reserved more the surplus of the 2d pr oz of Private Importers m{illeg}|o|ney 997. 0s. 1{illeg}|0|34 wch is now paid for the coynage of the Gold.

Recd of Mr Hall last spring 2000 wch is also paid for ye coynage of the gold

Lately imprest to us 5000 {illeg}|fo|r paying off private Importers in ye Country & 3000 more paid by Mr Hall whereof 7000 was paid away & 1000 remains in the Mint.

Paid for the {illeg}|c|oynage of            of Gold till the end of Sept last 3590. 0s. 4d12 part of wch was the 997lb. 00s 1{illeg}|0|34 & 2000 above mentioned.


A copy of the discharge given by Mr Hayes to Mr Burdikin & Mr Walford.

Left in the hands of Mr Thomas Burdikin & Mr Saml Walford in the Treasury of the Mint of Exon the Su{illeg}|m|m of {illeg}|f|ourtee{illeg}|n| hundred eighty eight pound six shillings & six pence & I oblige my self to make good the same to be the ballance of the Treasury & secure them f{illeg}|r|om any demand. Exon. 18th Ian. 16978

Israel Hayes.

Copy of a Memorandum

Enterd in Mr. Spicers first Cash-book 31st Decembr. 1697° by Mr. Israel Hayes Comptroler at Exon

Mem. Besides 500£s.: 00s.: 00d omitted the 19th Ianu{illeg}|a|ry to be made receivd {illeg}|f|rom the Treasury, which the Comptroler charges.

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