Two holograph drafts of queries arising out of the lack of provision for payment for plate received after 14 May 1711, with a summary of the relevant legislation
Qu. 1. Was not her Majts Warrant in forc{illeg}|e| till the passing of the two million Act {A}|I|u{illeg}|n|e {illeg}|12|.
Qu 2. Was the sd Warrant voided by the passing of the two million Act.
Qu. 3. May not my Ld {illeg}|H|. {illeg}|Tr|eas{illeg}|ur|er lawfully order\direct/ the Rects of Plate to be taken in the Exchequer for so much money as the Plate produces by coinage where he|i||s| \Lp/ lends money out of the civil /list to make up the deficiency \till the Parliamt repays {it}/ or leaves the deficiency to be made up by Parliamt.\
Qu. 3|4|. /If that be not done, then\ What authority is requisite to impower the Master of the Mint to /pay\ the produce of the Plate to the Importers notwithstanding her Mats Warrant to pay it into the Excheqr & take Tallies for any\his/ discharge.
Her Maty under upon the votes & address of the house of Commons having by Warrant under her signe manual hath dir{illeg}|e|cted the Warden Master & Comptroller of her Mint to receive Plate into the said Mint & give Receipts for the same after the rates of 5 5 pr oz for plate of ye old sta. 5 8 fo|p|r ounce for plate of the new sta & 5 6 pr oz for {new} uncertain plate reduced to standard & hath \also/ directed the said Master of the Mint to coin the same & pay the moneys produced into the Excheqr & take tallies for his discharge, \+/ + but the Ld Commrs of the Treasury made an Order May 14th that no more plate should be {illeg}|r|eceived but of those who {illeg} {being} gave it under their hands that they would \did/ not expect that {illeg}|the||y| did\upon the paiment {sic} into the two million lottery/ but the Parliament have|th| not yet yet enacted \that/ the Receipts given for Plate after the 14th day of May to\shall/ be taken in the Exchequer according to their votes of May {3}|1| & May 5, \& Iul. May 17/ & the moneys given coined out the Plate for wch those bills were given {illeg}|a|re not due into the Exchequer \untill those Receipts can be so taken there/, & the Importers will lose the Quære 1\use of/ their money so long as it shall remain in my hands after it is coined.
Quære 1. Was not her Majts said Warrant in force till the \passing of ye/ two million Act Iune 12.
Quære 2. Was the said Warrant voided by the passing of the two million Act.
Qu. 3. May my Ld Treasurer {illeg}|l|awfully {illeg}|d|irect that the said Receipts of Plate be taken in the Exc{illeg}|h|equer upon ye 2d 3d & 4th paymts unto \{illeg}|u|nto the 2000/|000| /for so {much}\ money as the Plate produces, the Master of the Mint giving \into the Excheqr/ a list of the summs {illeg}|b|elonging to each to be allowed to every Importer\upon every Receipt/ & paying the money into the exchequer for\upon/ so many Receipts as shall from time to time be delivered in, & taking Tallies for the same according to her Mats Warrant
Qu. 4. If this be not done, w{illeg}|h|at authority is requisite to impower the Master of the Mint to pay the produce of the Plate to the Importers, notwithstanding her Mats Warrant for paying it into the Excheqr & {illeg} taking Tallies for his discharge.