An Account of the Wrought Plate received in her Majestys Mint in the Tower of London pursuant to the Address of the Honarable {sic} House of Commons to her Majesty and her Majts. Sign Manual dated the 10th. Day of May 1711
Number of: Oz Value Voted Standard... Tale produced Deficiency
Plate of the Old Standard received the
11th. 12th. and 14th. of May at 5/6d. per oz
} ozdwt £s l.wtozdwt:gr £sd £sd
10113715 273919534 822231321 2550587 18861034
Plate of the New Standard receeived {sic}
within the same Time at 5s/8d per oz
} 5450415 154433 45963079 142581410 118455–
Standard of Vncertain Plate at 5s/6d ꝑ oz 2185811 6011214 18218 5653155 3576714
Sweep of the Plate Imported those three days 185310 ..........
Totalls 1775011 48845119–           4560328 324291–
Plate of the Old Standard received the
15th May to the 19th Iune at 5s/5d per oz
} 553285– 14984148 4420233 13717156 1266192–
Plate of the New Standard received
within the same Time at 5s/8d per oz
} 2412310– 68341910 208221823 6460147 37453–
Standard of Vncertain Plate at 5s/6 1709512 {0}|9| 470162 14247129 4418184 282710–
Sweep of the Plate rece'd after the 14th May 10063 ........
Totalls 965477 265218           24697148 18236– –
Plate of the Old Standard received
after the 19th day of Iune at 5s/5d per oz
} 3260 882184 2644178 82010 6284–
Plate of the New Standard received
after the 19th day of Iune at 5s/8 ꝑ oz
} 148410 420122 125100416 39015 29172–
Totalls 474410 1303106 390320 12115 9256

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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